眼窝的英文:eyeholesocket参考例句:eye socket | orbit眼眶| 眼窝 Put your fingers on the bony ridge of the eye socket.把你的手指放在眼窝处突出的骨骼上。eyehole是什么意思:n. 眼窝;视孔;穿带孔;眼孔socket是什么意思:n. 插座;插口,插孔;窝,穴....
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
演奏得很起劲的英文:【美俚】hit it uphit是什么意思:n. 打击;碰撞;成功而风行一时的事物;讽刺v. 碰撞;达到;打击;猜对;被…想起;偶然发现;攻击That was a hit at me.那是抨击我的。Hit the ceiling暴跳如雷Boxing have is defined as the art of h...
演变的英文:evolve参考例句:A study of martian geology is crucial toward revealing clues into the history of the Earth.研究火星地质对于揭示地球历史演变的蛛丝马迹是十分重要的。The study of the development and evolution of biochemicals and bi...
眼下的英文:nowat present参考例句:I'm off coffee at the moment.我眼下不再嗜咖啡了。Accountants and financial managers are now among the most sought-after会计和金融管理人员眼下最抢手。The most popular goods on the market now are the CCTV pr...
演奏会乐队的英文:concert bandconcert是什么意思:n. 音乐会;一致;和谐v. 协调;协力adj. 音乐会用的;在音乐会上演出的The concert was immense.演唱会非常成功。You may go on with your concert.你可以继续开音乐会。The concert drew a large audienc...
演变过程的英文:evolutionary process参考例句:These principles will be illustrated by the following transition.这些原理将由下列演变过程来说明。In Tang Dynasty, land proprietary right changed from public to private.摘要唐代土地所有权经历了从...
眼线笔的英文:an eyeliner; an eye pencil参考例句:liner; Eyeliner眼线笔Eyeliner:Makeup used to outline the eyes.眼线笔:用来加强眼的轮廓的化妆品。eyeliner是什么意思:n. 眼线,眼线膏guyliner (guy + eyeliner) 男用眼线液eye是什么意思:n. 眼睛;...
演奏家的英文:concert performer参考例句:Practicing is tiresome, but stick with it and some day you will become a good pianist.练琴是一件辛劳的事,但如果你坚持下去,你将来会成为一名很好的钢琴演奏家。Melchior Krafft was a virtuoso and his fath...
演变进化的英文:n. evolutionevolution是什么意思:n. 进化,演化;进化论;发展,进展;演变They are part of evolution and evolution is a part of nature. 它们是发展的一部分,而发展又是自然的一部分。Then it would be autonomous evolution instead ...
眼线液的英文:liquid eye-linerliquid是什么意思:adj. 液体的;清澈的;明亮的;不稳定的n. 液体,流体The liquid is then diluted.然后液体被稀释。A small amount of liquid;a drop.少量液体;一滴 soil or stain with a splashed liquid.用溅出的液体弄....