厌倦的英文:dreary参考例句:I'm tired of going to school day after day.我厌倦每天上学The ride homeward dragged on indefinitely.回家的路程长得使人厌倦。Im tired of shelling out on repairs to this car我已厌倦付款修理He is tired of the narrow ...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
尺牍的英文:a model of letter writing参考例句:A complete guide to correspondence styles尺牍大全The art of letter-writing is fast disappearing.尺牍技巧行将消失.model是什么意思:n. 模型;模式;典型;模范;模特儿;式样v. 模拟;模仿;做模特儿....
持续体的英文:durative aspectdurative是什么意思:a. 持续的n. 持续性Colour cast:Defect of colour print or transparency dur to bad lighting or processing. It may be an overall cast which can be removed quite easily偏色:彩色相片或透明片的缺点....
厌世的英文:taediumvitaeweary of lifeworld-weariness参考例句:borne on silvery trays by ceremonious world - weary waiters(Financial Times)放在彬彬有礼的厌世侍者托着的银盘上(金融时报)A world-weary person no longer feels excited or enthusiast...
尺度的英文:scaleyardstick参考例句:planetary scale system行星尺度天气系统Adopt the File's Unit Scale采用文件单位尺度To govern with the right extent of tolerance is an art.掌握"宽"的尺度是一门学问。Durability is one yardstick of quality.耐....
持续痛的英文:continuous paincontinuous是什么意思:adj. 连续的;反复的,频繁的Denseness is not continuity.稠密性不是连续性。Land will continue to appreciate. 土地将继续增值。A merry heart has a continual feast. 一颗愉快的心会享受到接连不断...
厌战的英文:to be weary of war; to be war-wearyweary是什么意思:adj. 疲倦的;使人厌烦的v. (使)疲乏,(使)厌烦And the weariness of the cell is the vigor of the organism一个细胞的衰变正是机体的活力。-你们会失败的。a weary sigh, smile 疲倦....
尺码的英文:sizeyard stick参考例句:Stock sizes常备的尺码The water heaters were sized to meet the users' needs.热水器是按照用户的尺码制作的。Wear(a particular size in shoes or clothes)穿用(某尺码的鞋或衣物)Label( attached to sth,giving deta...
持续增长的英文:sustainable growth sustained development sustained growth参考例句:VII.71. No, they don't. They are too young to have experienced a good economy in the1950 s and1960 s.所说的经济良好,我是指这经济不但要持续增长,而且还指这种...
艳丽的英文:bright-colored and beautiful; gorgeous参考例句:Ostentatiously stylish;deliberately chic.过分艳丽的;故作风雅的Mary was slim, gamine, businesslike玛丽身材苗条,姿色艳丽,办事有条理。Rania is glamorous, brainy and not afraid of a ...