眼中钉的英文:[Literal Meaning]eye/inside/naila nail in the eye[解释]比喻心中最厌恶、最痛恨的人。[Explanation](of someone) to be hated very much[例子]自从上次在办公室和她吵架之后,她一直把我当成眼中钉。[Example]After I quarreled with her in...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
眼屎的英文:【方】gum (in the eyes)参考例句:Early in the course of the disease the eyes show a marked discharge that is associated with conjunctivitis病早期,眼睛出现伴发于结膜炎的明显眼屎。gum是什么意思:n. 牙龈,齿龈;树胶,树脂;口香糖v...
演绎的英文:(Logic) deductive参考例句:This deduction is ridiculous.这种演绎是荒谬的。Chocolate Show Travels Far Beyond caramel, Nuts(2002/11/20)巧克力秀超越平凡美味诱惑演绎传奇(2002/11/20)Murphy's powerfully spoken Oedipus is an autocrat o...
眼珠的英文:eyeball参考例句:He slewed his eyes round to Pockmarked Li again and went on他眼珠一转,又问道His eyes are bulging他的眼珠在往外突出。He rolled his eyes at her. 他的眼珠对着她骨碌碌地转。The glazed eyes stirred, and Wu Sun-fu br...
眼熟的英文:look familiar参考例句:There was something familiar about him, his fawn raincoat, his thinness, the way he moved. 他有点眼熟——浅黄褐色雨衣,瘦削的身影,走路的姿态。 Have we met? Your face is familiar to me.我们见过面吗?你很眼...
演员的英文:actor or actressperformer参考例句:On the boards做演员An actor who tends to go over the top,ie to overact表演得过火的演员.Circus performers马戏杂技团演员An actor skilled at improvising擅长临场发挥的演员.This actor rants his line...
眼珠子的英文:eyeball参考例句:prissy had recovered her breath and a small measure of control but her eyes still rolled这时百利子喘息定些了,也不那么慌张了,只是一双眼珠子还是不住地打转。A hater of his kind ran from them to the wood of madn...
眼霜的英文:eye cream; eye gel参考例句:We have a facial mask, moisturizing lotion and eye-cream. 我们有面膜、保湿润肤露及眼霜。Before bed, cleanse, moisturize and pat on eye cream. 睡觉前,做好清洁和保湿工作,再轻拍上眼霜。 eye是什么意思...
演奏的英文:play a musical instrument in a performance参考例句:Play on an accordion.演奏手风琴Do you play the violin?你会演奏小提琴吗?To play or dance to jive music.演奏摇摆乐,跳摇摆舞They're going to play an ensemble for string instrumen...
偃伏梾木的英文:Cornus stoloniferacornus是什么意思:n. 山茱萸