发布时间:2019-02-15 10:35 来源:环球网校
点击量: 1131
少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
at present
- I'm off coffee at the moment.
我眼下不再嗜咖啡了。 - Accountants and financial managers are now among the most sought-after
会计和金融管理人员眼下最抢手。 - The most popular goods on the market now are the CCTV prime time
眼下市场上最抢手的商品可以说是央视的黄金时间 - A little apart from the rest sunk in deep maternal bliss, lay the largest sow of the lot.
在跟猪群稍隔开一点的地方,躺着猪群中最大的一头老母猪,眼下正沉浸在无比的天伦之乐当中。 - There's a certain amount of slack in the car industry at the moment.
眼下汽车工业不太景气。 - I'm low on cash right now.
我眼下现金不足。 - I'm rather busy for the present.
眼下我相当忙。 - The most urgent thing to do right now is to break through the encirclement.
眼下最要紧的是突围。 - Right now there's a drought of adequate leadership.
眼下缺少能胜任的领导人。 - For the time being, the liberals seem to have carried the day.
adj. 目前的,现在的;出席的,在场的;现在时态的
v. 赠送;提出;介绍;举枪瞄准;呈现
n. 礼物;现在
- There is at present uncertainty regarding the hazard to health presented by crocidolite.
目前,青石棉对健康的危害尚不清楚。 - Some diseases are presented by heredity.
有些疾病是由于遗传导致的。 - should alternately present as undulate .
激情平淡应呈波浪形交替出现。 - A verb form in the present tense.
现在时态的动词形式 - give away; make a present of
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