尺子的英文:ruleruler参考例句:Is that a ruler?那是一把尺子吗?Isn't this your ruler?这不是你的尺子吗?He reminded me not to forget to bring my ruler他提醒我别忘了带尺子。He reminded me not to forget to bring my ruler.他提醒我别忘了带尺子。I...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
持有的英文:hold (e.g. passport, views, etc.)参考例句:officer in the armed forces who holds a commission(持有委任状的)军官. A licensed messenger持有执照的信使Possessing an academic degree or diploma.毕业了的持有学位或毕业证书的People wit...
艳情的英文:romantic love参考例句:Amatory literature,adventures艳情文学,艳遇.romantic是什么意思:adj. 多情的;富于浪漫色彩的;空想的,浪漫主义的;情爱的n. 富于浪漫气息的人;浪漫主义作家You're fun to be with and a romantic at heart.和你相处...
齿槽脓肿的英文:abscess of dental alveolaabscess是什么意思:n. 脓疮,溃疡v. 形成脓疮The doctor lanced an abscess.大夫用刺血针刺破了一个脓疮。Puncture a tyre, an abscess,a balloon刺破轮胎、脓肿、气球Pancreatic abscess obviously requires drai...
持有者的英文:holder参考例句:“holder” means the person whom the register of marks shows as the holder of the registration“注册持有人”指商标注册簿上列为注册持有者的人Preferred stock holders can preferencially get the dividends other tha...
艳照门的英文:名词 [新闻] Sexy Photo Gate, also known as the Edison Chen photo scandal, is China's first big Internet celebrity sex scandal; 门 as gate, abstracted from Watergate, is attached to terms to indicate a scandal sexy是什么意思....
齿轮的英文:gear参考例句:There axe wheels within wheels.齿轮中有齿轮(幕后另有操纵者)。gear single flank rolling tester齿轮单面啮合检查仪Gearing [UK]; leverage齿轮作用[英国];杠杆作用planetary gearing行星齿轮传动From this technique and the r...
持中的英文:keep within boundskeep是什么意思:v. 保持,处于;继续,重复;使耽搁;抚养;履行n. 生活费,生活必需品That news will keep.那个消息留待以后再宣布。They keep a shop.他们经营一家商店。How are you keeping?你最近还好吧?within是什么意...
唁电的英文:a message of mourningmessage是什么意思:n. 信息;消息;启示;主旨;寓意;电报;传真v. 通知These messages interrupt pain messages that are on their way to the brain.这些信息阻断了向大脑传递疼痛信息的去路。 A message was flashed o...
齿轮式输油泵的英文:gear fuel supply pumpgear是什么意思:n. 齿轮;传动装置;工具;装置;变速箱(《变形金刚》)v. (使)适应;使…准备好;开动The rotation of this gear on a hub or shaft drives other gears.安装在衬套或轴上的齿轮的旋转带动其它...