严酷的英文:bitterharshgrimruthlessseverecut-throat (competition)参考例句:A dour,self - sacrificing life.严酷的、自我牺牲式的生活A repressive regime,tendency,law严酷的政权、压抑的倾向、严厉的法律The deep snow and bitter frost made it impos...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
延期的英文:delayextensionpostpone参考例句:The meeting adjourned sine die.会议无限期延期。If it should rain tomorrow, the sports meeting would Be postponed.要是明天下雨,比赛就延期举行。Should the weather Be Bad, the sports meeting will Be...
严酷的现实的英文:harsh reality参考例句:The people had to accept the harsh exigencies of war.人们要承受战乱的严酷现实.So long as this grim reality persists, the system will remain broken.只要这一严酷的现实继续存在,法律制度将是不完善的。Th...
严厉的英文:severestrict参考例句:A stiff penalty.严厉的惩罚Be stern to sB.对某人严厉With severity严厉[格]地A severe reprimand or expression of anger严厉的惩罚或愤怒的表现.To scold sharply;berate.严厉谴责;训斥With severity;harshly.严厉地;粗...
严整的英文:in neat formation参考例句:The writing on these materials were not as formal and magnificent as those on the stone tablets简板上的汉隶远不像碑刻上的那样严整、肃穆、气势恢宏His strokes are thin and forceful, and his structure of ...
严厉的的英文:acrimoniouscastironcrucialdeardourharshheart-searchingheavy-handedironhandedperishingpoignantpungentrigidrigorousseveresternstiffstrictstringenttight参考例句:A stiff penalty.严厉的惩罚Be stern to sB.对某人严厉With severity严....
严正的英文:sternly参考例句:In his celebration speech, he issued a stark warning to Washington and other Western capitals.在他的庆祝演说中,他向华盛顿和其他西方国家提出了严正警告。We exhorted Mr. Dick to be resolute in this.我们严正警告狄....
严令的英文:adjuration参考例句:She enjoined me strictly not to tell anyone else.她严令我不准告诉其他任何人。grind boys in English严令教孩子们学英语;将英语灌入孩子们的头脑adjuration是什么意思:n. 严令,恳请I adjure you to tell the truth bef...
筹资活动的英文:Financial activitiesfinancial是什么意思:adj. 财政的,金融的Financial Management Executive with nearly ten years of experience in banking and international trade, finance, investments and economic policy.在银行融资、国际贸易...
严密的英文:stricttight参考例句:We keep a close watch on the prisoners. 我们严密看守囚犯。The would-be murderer was kept under close watch.那个有行凶企图的人受到于严密的监视。Sufficient care was had to the safekeeping of the captive withou...