延迟光散射的英文:DLE, delayed light emissiondle是什么意思:1.=Data Link Escape Character 数据传送换码字符(通信控制用)delayed是什么意思:adj. 延时的;定时的v. delay的过去式和过去分词;延误Intended to delay.有意拖延的 loss and damage or dela...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
严禁的英文:strictly prohibit参考例句:No drunk driving.严禁酒后驾车.We must prohibit the sale of pornographic literature我们必须严禁出售黄色作品。Strictly no admittance严禁入内Put a veto on...否决,严禁No Overtaking严禁超车Fishing is strict...
延缓衰老的英文:postpone senility ;prevent senescence参考例句:Calcium apparently acts in a similar manner as some of the hormones that defer senescence.钙这种明显的作用同某些激素能够延缓衰老的作用方式相似。Delay the process of decrepitude....
延迟加载的英文:lazy loadinglazy是什么意思:adj. 懒惰的;没精打采的,懒洋洋的;慢吞吞的A lazy youth, a lousy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。He's inclined to be lazy.他爱偷懒。The teacher jawed at the lazy boys.老师训斥那些懒惰的孩子。 Laziness...
严禁吸烟的英文:Smoking Prohibited参考例句:No smoking/naked light严禁吸烟/明火This place strictly forbids to smoke. 此地严禁吸烟。 smoking是什么意思:n. 吸烟adj. 允许吸烟的v. smoke的现在分词;吸烟to billow the smoke使浓烟滚滚Most people wh...
延缓征聘的英文:recruitment postponementrecruitment是什么意思:n. 征募新兵;招聘;补充recruitment of loudness强音复聪 They interview the recruit.他们面试了新成员。recruit new members(to the club)吸收新成员(进入俱乐部) He recruited a multi...
延迟性可逆性缺血性神经机能障碍的英文:DRIND, delayed reversible ischemic nervous dysfunctiondelayed是什么意思:adj. 延时的;定时的v. delay的过去式和过去分词;延误Intended to delay.有意拖延的 loss and damage or delay of goods.贷物的损失、损....
严峻的英文:grimsevererigorous参考例句:The bullhorn acacia has serious competition牛角相思树面临着严峻的挑战。Having entered the international arena, an MNC faced an awesome task进入国际舞台后,跨国公司面临着严峻的考验。All the rigid rule ...
延年的英文:【医】 macrobiosis参考例句:Li Yannian was adept at composing music and revising new compositions.李延年善作曲,也善改编新曲。Indeed they were not agreeable only, but physical, wholesome, nourishing, and refreshing to the last d...
延迟者的英文:postponerpostponer是什么意思:延迟者, 使延缓者The match was postponed on account of the weather.基于天气关系,比赛延期进行。They postponed sending an answer to the request. 他们推迟了对这一请求的答复。In the event of rain, the...