丑闻录的英文:【法】chronigue scandaleuse
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
严以律己的英文:to be strict with oneself 参考例句:Forgive others But not yourself宽以待人,严以律己strict是什么意思:adj. 严格的;严厉的;严谨的;精确的;完全的;周密的follow a strict diet严格遵照饮食规定 She is strict in the matter of dis...
丑鱼的英文:hag hagfishhag是什么意思:n. 女巫,丑老太婆,魔女,沼地,砍伐vt. 砍,劈This intimation seemed to compose in some degree the vehement passion of the old hag这番交代似乎使老妖婆的无名怒火稍微平息了一点。The language in which the hag ad...
臭虫的英文:bedbugchinchcimex参考例句:This posed a real problem in the bedroom, where bugs and other droppings could, really, mess up your nice clean bed臭虫或别的什么会把干净的床弄得一塌糊涂。The bug determines whether the location in the...
出版物的英文:publicationpublished material参考例句:A print journalist; print coverage.为出版物写作的记者;为出版物写的报道Pass for press: Authorised the final form of a publication for printing.付印:核准出版物的最后形式,授权印刷的情况。An...
臭美的英文:1.presumptuous; smug参考例句:Resplendent in her curlers and a face-pack戴着发卷抹着美容霜而臭美的.presumptuous是什么意思:adj. 专横的,放肆的,冒昧的It is presumptuous of him to give orders. = He is presumptuous to give orders....
岩山的英文:tortor是什么意思:n. 多岩的山An upland region of southwest England noted for its bare granite tors.There are remains of numerous Bronze Age settlements.达特穆尔高原英国西南一高原地区,因其裸露的花岗石突岩而闻名,还保留许多的青铜...
出版业的英文:publishing industry参考例句:Publishing in the Netherlands荷兰出版业It is the publication's prerogative.这就是出版业的特性。CaD and desktop publishing continue to be improved with ever new and faster PCs.电脑辅助设计和小规模出...
臭名昭著的的英文:arrant ;notorious参考例句:Press - politics relations are notoriously incestuous(Boston Globe)政界与新闻界之间臭名昭著的亲密关系(波士顿环球)As you float over this ledge watch for the infamous Crown of Thorns Sea Star.路经....
岩石的英文:rock参考例句:Rocky terrain岩石地带A specimen of rock岩石标本Rock is inanimate.岩石是无生命的。Those are jagged rocks.那些是锯齿状的岩石。a rocky shore多岩石的海滨An explosion of gunpowder shatters a rock.火药把岩石炸碎。a rockb...