踌躇满志的英文:[Literal Meaning] self-content/satisfiedto be ready to do something proudly[解释] 踌躇:从容的样子。对自己取得的成就非常得意。[Explanation] to look as if one had a great success[例子] 得知自己的计划被采纳之后,他踌躇满志,开...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
严明的纪律的英文:perfect discipline参考例句:General Patton's buoyant leadership and strict insistence upon discipline rapidly rejuvenated the II Corps巴顿将军之活泼领导与严明纪律,使第二军的士气迅速恢复过来。perfect是什么意思:adj. 完美的...
丑恶的英文:uglyrepulsive参考例句:The whole effect was hideous, petty, lugubrious, and narrow所有这一切都是丑恶、卑陋、黯淡、无意义的。A mark of disgrace or notoriety; a stigma.表示耻辱和丑恶声名的标记;耻辱。A mark of disgrace or notoriet...
严守时刻的的英文:punctual参考例句:How can I ram home to you the importance of punctuality?我怎样才能向你强调说明严守时刻的重要性呢?punctual是什么意思:adj. 严守时刻的;准时的You are punctual for a wonder.你居然准时到,真让人想不到。His p...
丑化的英文:defamelibelto defileto smearto vilify参考例句:to smear (the image of); to make a caricature of丑化 press reports make his actions appear in the worst possible light新闻报道极力丑化他的举动They pelted him with ridicule and vilif...
严肃的英文:solemnsolemnity参考例句:deadly seriousness极为严肃的Solemnity or dignity of manner.严肃或庄严的举止 An earnest admonition or reproof;a reprimand.严肃的劝诫或责怪;斥责You should be serious in class. Don't behave in a noisy, gay,...
丑陋的英文:Calibanuglinessungainliness参考例句:Toads have an ugly appearance but they are useful.蟾蜍外表丑陋,但很有用。An ugly old hag appeared一位相貌丑陋的老女巫走来。An ugly, mischievous elf or goblin.淘气的妖精丑陋而又顽皮的鬼怪或精...
严肃的的英文:graveseriousseveresmilelesssobersolemn参考例句:deadly seriousness极为严肃的Solemnity or dignity of manner.严肃或庄严的举止 An earnest admonition or reproof;a reprimand.严肃的劝诫或责怪;斥责You should be serious in class. Don'...
丑态的英文:clownism参考例句:King Midas tried to hide his misfortune under an ample turban弥达斯只好戴上一条大头巾以遮盖丑态。I never saw such a sketch从来没有见过这种丑态。Everyone roared when he acted out the boss' buffoonery当他把老板的...
严刑的英文:cruel torture参考例句:As mock inquisitors grill him,top aides take notes and critique the answers with the President afterward.当伪装的法官对他严刑逼问时,高级副官们在旁记录,后来又把的供词重新检查了一遍。cruel是什么意思:adj. ...