初春的英文:early spring参考例句:We went to the suburbs for an outing in early spring.初春我们到郊外踏青。The botanical garden in early spring is rich in poetic and artistic conception.初春的植物园充满诗情画意。It was the beginning of the ...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
出租率的英文:occupancy rate参考例句:The leasing rate of hotel rooms reached 55.9 percent, up 2.4 percentage points on 2000在旅游饭店总量大幅度增长的情况下,全年客房出租率比2000年提高2.4个百分点,达到55.9%。occupancy是什么意思:n. 占有(率...
出淤泥而不染的英文:[Literal Meaning] out of/mud/aux./not/stained unsoiled(of lotus flower) to come out of the mud unsoiled[解释] 生长在淤泥中,但是不被污泥所污染。形容不受恶劣的环境影响,保持高尚的道德标准。[Explanation] to remain undefile...
初次的英文:primary参考例句:His first appearance on stage was at the age of three.他三岁时初次登台.She made a successful debut.她初次登台获得成功。His first appearance on stage was at the age of three他叁岁时初次登台.She first moved into t...
出租汽车的英文:taxicab参考例句:They cabbed to the theatre. 他们坐出租汽车去剧院。Many cab drivers say that they must play with their lives to get money很多出租汽车司机说他们得玩儿命挣钱The "taxi" is a small Swiss airplane called a "Pilatu...
出于的英文:be due tostem fromproceed fromout ofstart from参考例句:of one's own accord出于自愿To do anything of one’s own accord出于本意out of envy出于忌妒[羡慕]He was conscious that it was politic他意识到这是出于策略。Mother hens protect...
初次发售的英文:Primary Distributionprimary是什么意思:adj. 初级的;基本的;最早的,原始的;原生的;首要的,主要的n.,首选;候选人初选会;预选;原色primary feather初级飞羽 A primary feather of a bird.翅前羽鸟的初级飞羽 The Democratic primar...
出租汽车站的英文:taxi standtaxi是什么意思:n. 出租汽车v. 乘出租汽车;(使)滑行Taxis stand in a taxi rank waiting to be hired.出租汽车排成一行等人雇车。That may be our taxi now!那辆可能就是我们的计程车了。We tipped the taxi driver.我们给出...
出于目的的英文:1. out of the purpose ofout是什么意思:adv. 出外;在外;离岸;出现;问世;大声地;完全;用完;不流行adj. 外侧的;偏僻的prep. 通过…而出;沿着…而去n. 借口,托辞 pref. 外,超过,出,向外be out for the count拳击者被击倒后经裁....
初次见面的英文:to see somebody for the first time参考例句:The two lawyers had an argument at their very first meeting.这两名律师初次见面就辩论起来。I guess sometimes people hit it right off.我想有时候人们初次见面就会很投缘First impression...