出项的英文:an item of expenditureitem是什么意思:n. 条,条款;项,项目;一条;一则To set down item by item;list.逐条记载,详细登录一条一条依次记录;记录入表 Binary items is a numeric data item in binary notation.二进制数据项是用二进制记数....
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
初步概念的英文:initial conceptinitial是什么意思:adj. 最初的;字首的n. 首字母;声母v. 用姓名的首字母签名marginal initial边缘原始细胞[见于植物] The body is initially at rest, and the spring is initially unstretched. 起初物体是静止的,弹簧也...
出租车的英文:taxicab参考例句:Hey, taxi!喂,出租车!To occupy a taxi乘出租车For rent空车(出租车)Taxi Loading出租车停车处Taxi pick-up point出租车乘车点The taxi stopped in front of a shabby, third-rate hotel出租车在一家破旧的三流旅馆门口停下....
出血的英文:bleedinghaemorrhagehaemorrhagiahemorrhage参考例句:Hemobilia is manifested by upper gastrointestinal bleeding胆道出血表现为上消化道出血。Subarachnoid Haemorrhage蛛网膜下腔出血variceal hemorrhage.静脉曲张导致的出血His gums do ble...
初步调查结果的英文:preliminary findings参考例句:The panel's initial findings have now been made public.这个委员会的初步调查结果已经公布于众。We have include some of the preliminary findings.我们的报告包括了一些初步调查结果。We've reported...
出租车车站的英文:1.a taxi standtaxi是什么意思:n. 出租汽车v. 乘出租汽车;(使)滑行Taxis stand in a taxi rank waiting to be hired.出租汽车排成一行等人雇车。That may be our taxi now!那辆可能就是我们的计程车了。We tipped the taxi driver.我们...
出演的英文:1. to perform; to put on a performance; to put on a show; to show; to produce参考例句:Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio was an instant hit after he played the role of Jack in Titanic.莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥在出演泰坦尼克电影杰克一角之后迅...
初创的英文:newly established参考例句:Tourism was then still in its infant stage.旅游业当时还处在初创阶段。So, if you have a biotech start-up, find out who the people are who like your space. 因此,如果你是一家生物科技初创公司,那么就去找...
出租车起步价的英文:flag down fare参考例句:The flag-down fare is different throughout the country.各地出租车的起步价都不一样。The flag-down fare decreased to 10 yuan from 12.5, and a fuel surcharge of 3 yuan per trip will also apply in She...
出洋相的英文:make an exhibition of oneself参考例句:Make a fool of oneself出洋相Make a spectacle of oneself出洋相;当场出丑No way, she wouldn't be caught dead driving a second hand car. 她怎么可能去开二手车出洋相。I cannot carry a tune. Don...