哑巴的英文:dummy参考例句:"A person who is deaf when he is born, is usually dumb as well. "一个人在出生时就耳聋的话,一般他也会是个哑巴。It was almost a dumb procession.几乎像是一队哑巴。A mute can not speak.哑巴是不会讲话的。The dummy is ...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
牙刷的英文:toothbrush参考例句:On the insides of your front teeth, it can be hard to hold the brush sideways. 对前牙的内面,很难侧着放置牙刷。We need a toothbrush holder.我们需要一个牙刷托。This electric toothbrush is our latest promoti...
雅各宾派的英文:Jacobinjacobin是什么意思:n. 激进政治家
哑巴英语的英文:poor oral Englishpoor是什么意思:adj. 贫穷的;贫乏的;卑鄙的;可怜的;乏味的;缺少的;谦卑的n. 穷人They are poor but proud.他们虽穷但很自重。She is poor but quite respectable.她虽穷,人品却很端正。The poorness of the play di...
牙医的英文:dentistdental surgeonsurgeon dentist参考例句:A doctor can be a person who treats people's teeth.牙医是治疗牙齿的人。The dentist drilled the bad bits out of a tooth牙医把牙齿上蛀坏的部分钻掉。I want a wife to keep track of the c...
雅观的英文:in good taste参考例句:Her room was an unsightly mess."她的房间乱成一团,很不雅观。"Chewing gum on a train is not seemly in a lady.淑女在火车上嚼囗香糖不太雅观。I had to worm my way out sideways from the bench in a ridiculous, un...
哑光的英文:matte/mat; with a dull, smooth finish参考例句:We have mat, silky and glossy哑光、丝光、亮光,我们都可以做.This is a completely matte, silky, non-chalky black shadow. 这是一款完全哑光、丝质、无光泽的黑色眼影。Gloss art: Shiny a...
牙印的英文:tooth print参考例句:His heavy collar with the teeth marks of many a battle on it was awry他历经多次格斗,颈圈上留下了道道狗的牙印,现在项圈也变形了。tooth是什么意思:n. 牙齿,齿状物v. 给…装齿;啮合An eye for an eye and a tooth...
雅虎通的英文:Yahoo! Messenger(你可以传输文字及声音,当你的股票达到设定价位时它能够给你及时的提醒。此外,它还可以提醒你预先设定的重要日程安排,以及享受到更多的服务。雅虎通不仅可以安装在你的PC上,而且还可以用于便携式无线设备上。)yahoo是什....
哑口的英文:mutenessmuteness是什么意思:n. 哑,无言Criticism of Germany, by comparison, is muted. 相比之下,德国的指责算是柔和的了。 Lacking the faculty of speech; mute.丧失了说话能力的;哑的 mute for musical instruments乐器的弱音器 Produced...