鸦雀无声的英文:[Literal Meaning]crow/sparrow/no/sound even without the sound of crow or sparrow[解释]连乌鸦、麻雀的叫声都没有。形容非常安静。[Explanation]to be extremely silent[例子]会场里鸦雀无声,记者们都在焦急地等待着新闻发言人发布最新....
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
鸭丝火腿汤面的英文:Noodle Soup with Shredded Duck and Hamnoodle是什么意思:n. 面条;笨蛋The noodles are done to death.这面条煮得太烂了。I eat noodles with chopsticks.我用筷子吃面。Convenient noodles are not good for health.方便面对身体不好...
鸭黄焗南瓜的英文:Braised Pumpkin with Salted Egg Yolkbraised是什么意思:v. 炖,蒸,烩The vicar of Bray见风使舵之人"If a donkey Bray at you, don't Bray at him"傻瓜惹著你,你别跟他缠They Bray most that can do least说话最多的人,能做的事最少pum...
鸭丝上汤米粉的英文:Rice Noodle Soup with Shredded Duckrice是什么意思:n. 稻;大米,米饭He bagged (up) rice. 他把大米装进口袋。 congee; rice gruel; porridge粥;稀饭 Rice grows mainly in the south.稻米主要产在南方。noodle是什么意思:n. 面条....
鸭汤醋椒鱼的英文:Vinegar-Flavored Braised Mandarin Fish in Duck Bone Soupvinegar是什么意思:n. 醋Add a dash of balsamic vinegar. 加入少许香脂醋。 The sauce smacked of vinegar.这调味汁有点醋味。Put in just a dash of vinegar.稍许放一点点醋。...
初步的英文:initialpreliminarytentative参考例句:A Preliminary Clinical Evaluation of Lumber Disc Herniation with Supine and Prone Flexion Posture CT仰卧及俯卧过屈位CT对腰椎间盘突出症的初步临床应用 Initial investigation at the first sign of...
出租的英文:hire参考例句:Apartments for rent出租套房Bicycle hire出租自行车Office for rent出租办公室A one-horse vehicle for public hire.出租马车用于公开出租的单马力交通工具To raise money, the bishop planned to farm out his land.为了筹集资金...
初等的英文:elementary (i.e., easy)参考例句:Primary algorithm基本算法,初等算法elementary ordinary differential equation初等常微分方程"elementary, secondary and higher education"初等、中等和高等教育elementary geometric transformation初等几....
初步的的英文:abecedarianelementaryinitiatorypreliminarypreparatory参考例句:A Preliminary Clinical Evaluation of Lumber Disc Herniation with Supine and Prone Flexion Posture CT仰卧及俯卧过屈位CT对腰椎间盘突出症的初步临床应用 Initial invest...
出租…的英文:farm out参考例句:Apartments for rent出租套房Bicycle hire出租自行车Office for rent出租办公室A one-horse vehicle for public hire.出租马车用于公开出租的单马力交通工具To raise money, the bishop planned to farm out his land.为了筹...