出诊的英文:pay a visit to参考例句:Physicians rounds.医生的巡回出诊The doctor visits his patients at their homes at regular intervals.那医生定期为病人出诊。pay是什么意思:n. 工资,薪金;报偿;惩罚v. 付钱给;偿还;给予(注意等);致以(问候...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
鸭汁炆鱼唇的英文:stewen fish snout with duck saucefish是什么意思:n. 鱼;鱼肉v. 捕鱼,钓鱼;搜寻Fishes is used to refer to different species of fish fishes的形式是用以指鱼的不同品种To fish in the air海底捞月Big fish eat little fish.弱肉强....
出征的英文:go campaigningon campaign参考例句:It is the kaiser's speech to his soldiers on the way to the front这是德皇对出征战士的一段讲话It was virtually the maiden expedition of these two ambitious young forest soldiers.这次行动才是这两...
鸭汁鲜凫乌龙的英文:Braised Duck Meat with Sea Cucumberbraised是什么意思:v. 炖,蒸,烩The vicar of Bray见风使舵之人"If a donkey Bray at you, don't Bray at him"傻瓜惹著你,你别跟他缠They Bray most that can do least说话最多的人,能做的事最少du...
出众的英文:beat the band参考例句:Outstanding features优点出众a man of excellent calibre才能出众的人She was surely the most distinguished queen consort we have had.毫无疑问她是我们拥有的最为出众的王后。"Talking about being pretty, our comp...
鸭肫的英文:a duck's gizzardduck是什么意思:n. 鸭,母鸭,鸭肉,宝贝儿,零分v. 低下头,躲闪,迅速行进,逃避,回避,把…按入水中A Barbary duck is a cross between a wild duck and an ordinary duck.巴巴里鸭系由野鸭与普通鸭杂交而成。A barbary duc...
出主意的英文:put in one's spoke参考例句:To look on and offer unwanted,usually meddlesome advice to others.乱出主意旁观后给别人出一些多余的、通常是干涉性的建议One gives nothing so liberally as advice不花钱出主意,谁人不乐意It is often easie...
鸭子的英文:duck参考例句:A regiment of ducks一大群鸭子The duck disappeared underwater. 鸭子潜入水中了。Duck disappeared underwater.鸭子潜入水中了.A ducks feathers shed water.鸭子的羽毛不沾水He took his rifle to shoot wild duck.他拿起枪打野...
出资的英文:financial contribution参考例句:The repairs to the school will be financed by the educational department.学校的修缮将由教育部门出资。The repairs to the school will be financed by the educational department学校的修缮将由教育部门....
鸭子僵尸的英文:Ducky Tuber Zombie(植物大战僵尸中的角色。)ducky是什么意思:a. 极好的,可喜的,极为愉快的The ducky tube allows Ducky Tuber Zombie to float on water.这里的鸭子救生圈能够让僵尸浮在水面上。tuber是什么意思:n. 块茎,结节;隆起;....