闯劲的英文:pioneering spirit参考例句:Audacious and gallant; spirited.闯劲足的闯劲足的而且英勇的;精力充沛的A thrusting(ie aggressive)young salesman有闯劲的年轻推销员He is talented, and venturesome, and resolute他有才能,有闯劲,有决心。To ...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
选取的英文:choose参考例句:An excerpt from one of these letters,read as part of a religious service.使徒书信节选从使徒书信中选取的,作为宗教仪式或活动的一部分来诵读的一段Select the call tab and uncheck all of the checked boxes.选择Callingt...
闯入的英文:intrudegatecrash参考例句:Break into; enter闯入;强行进入The obtrusion of unwelcome guests不速之客的闯入Intrude upon sB.'s privacy闯入某人的私室They were trespassing on private property.他们擅自闯入私人房屋。The watchdog attacked...
创办的英文:launch参考例句:Found a university创办大学Initial expenses创办费用They floated a new business company.他们创办一家新公司。Get a new business afloat,ie start it创办新的企业.To introduce;originate.创始引进;创办Launch a new enterpr...
选权迭代法的英文:iteration method with variable weightsiteration是什么意思:n. 迭代;反复,重复A product needs continual iteration.产品是需要反复不断核查的。Increments a count in each loop iteration.在每次循环迭代中增加一个计数。An iterati...
创办人的英文:founder (of an institution, etc)founder是什么意思:n. 创始人v. 失败;破坏;(使)沉没;(使)摔倒;倒塌;垮掉The platform swayed and then foundered.月台晃动着塌陷了。This epic extolled the founder of this primitive tribe.这部....
选手的英文:athletecontestant参考例句:Second-rater;Scrub二流选手a football player of great prowess技能卓绝的足球选手The player made it into the table-tennis finals.这位选手打入乒乓球决赛。Ali is a heavyweight among heterogeneous players.阿...
创纪录的英文:to set a record; to make a record参考例句:She made a record tally. 她获得了创纪录的比分。 How bad was last season, losing in the conference finals after a record-setting regular season?上赛季常规赛取得创纪录战绩却止步东区决赛...
选题目的英文:to select a subjectselect是什么意思:v. 选择,选拔adj. 精选的,优等的;有钱人使用的;苛责的,挑剔的,爱挑三拣四的skirt selectivity边缘选择性 Then you select the leader. 然后你们选出指挥。 These are selections from Faulkner.这....
创纪录的的英文:record参考例句:She made a record tally. 她获得了创纪录的比分。 How bad was last season, losing in the conference finals after a record-setting regular season?上赛季常规赛取得创纪录战绩却止步东区决赛,那种感觉会不会很糟糕?H...
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