选项菜单的英文:Options Menu参考例句:Option menu选项菜单options是什么意思:n. 选项;期限optional subjects选修科目 No highway option.没什么捷径可言。Is French compulsory or optional?法语是必修课还是选修课?Who has got an option on the build...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
创见的英文:creative idea; original idea参考例句:a slavish imitation毫无创见的模仿He was active and creative, and accomplished a great deal in poetry, calligraphy and painting.他思想特别活跃,颇有创见,诗出画造诣俱高Only the wise posse ide...
选项卡的英文:tab参考例句:On the Connections tab, click Setup.在“连接”选项卡上,单击“建立连接”。Click the Security tab, and then click the zone that you want to set the security level for.单击“安全”选项卡,然后单击要设置安全级别的区....
创建的英文:foundestablishestablishment参考例句:Create Springs创建弹簧Create Flexor创建屈肌Create Gravity创建动力场Create Uniform创建统一场The endpoint mapper database entry could not be created.无法创建终结点映射表数据库项。In summary, cr...
选修的英文:take as an elective course参考例句:I have a M.A. in English and have taken numerous courses on writing. Editing, copyediting and proofreading.我有英语硕士学位,选修了有关写作、编辑和校对方面的课程。I am majoring in fashion desig...
创建卫生城市的英文:build a nationally advanced clean citybuild是什么意思:v. 建造;把…嵌入;构筑,营造;扩大;发展;建立n. 体形,体格Buffer buildings缓冲建筑物 building elevation建筑立面 This is a substantial building.这是个坚固的建筑物....
选修...课程的英文:take classes in参考例句:Students have a free choice of courses in their final year.学生在最后一学年可以自由选修课程。I will definitely regret it if I take a class without any of my friend in it.如果我选修的课程没有朋友去...
创举的英文:pioneering work参考例句:A real first for the German team德国队的创举.To develop a market economy under socialism is a great pioneering undertaking never tried before in history.在社会主义条件下发展市场经济,是前无古人的伟大创举...
选修科目的英文:elective subjects; optional subjects参考例句:optional subjects选修科目 elective是什么意思:a. 选举的,根据选举的,选任的n. 选修课程This is a direct election.这是直接选举。He was unanimously elected as President. 人们一致选举...
创刊的英文:start publication参考例句:The British newspaper Daily Mail, founded by Lord Northcliffe, was first published.由诺思克利夫勋爵创办的英国报纸《每日邮报》创刊。 My plan is to…endeavor to interest my friends so as to commence with...
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