选录的英文:excerption参考例句:The passage is an excerpt from my recent novel. 这段话是从我最近一本小说中选录的。 The charts; [pl]weekly list of the best-selling pop music records(流行音乐唱片最畅销的)每周选录.excerption是什么意思:n. 选录...
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选举的英文:electelection参考例句:a presidential election总统[总裁]选举A post-mortem on the election defeat对选举失败的事后剖析.a veteran of the hustings.选举活动的老手。The election is won by a fluke.这次选举是一次意外的成功。The election...
闯出的英文:burst out参考例句:You're heading for an accident if you drive after drinking.如果你酒后开车,会闯出车祸。He fought his way through the underbrush他从矮树丛中闯出一条路来。The prospectors struggled in the snow,trying to make the...
选美的英文:a beauty contest参考例句:A beauty contest选美比赛A beauty competition/contest,ie one in which judges decide on the most beautiful competitor选美会.Will you enter for this week's beauty contest? 你要参加这个星期的选美比赛吗? ...
选举法的英文:【法】 electoral law参考例句:He was arrested on a charge of having infringed the Election Law他被指挥违犯选举法而被捕。He was arrested on a charge of having infringed the Election Law.他因被指控触犯选举法而被逮捕。The current...
闯过的英文:ride out参考例句:The robbers' car shot the traffic lights.强盗的汽车飞速地闯过红灯。He could bluff his way through any difficulty.他可以招摇撞骗闯过任何难关。ride是什么意思:n. 骑马,乘坐,乘车v. 骑;乘车;控制Riding a horse is...
选民的英文:voter参考例句:The electorate are disillusioned. 全体选民大失所望。The presidential contenders engaged in a battle of words to win the hearts and minds of the voters.那些总统候选人唇枪舌剑,以获取选民的支持。An elitist political ...
选举法修正案的英文:amendment to the Electoral Law相关文章:amendment是什么意思:n. 修正案;改正;修改To plead the fifth amendment or to take the fifth amendment第五条修正案作为答辩I move for an amendment.本席提议一项修正案。 To forestall i...
闯红灯的英文:run the red lightjump the red lamprun是什么意思:n. 奔跑,跑步;旅行;趋势v. 跑步,奔跑;逃跑;参赛;行驶;运转;(使)流动;管理run the rapids.冲过急流 Run (or Hold) with the hare and hunt (or run) with the hounds两面讨好Hold...
选派的英文:set apart参考例句:to select; to detail; to nominate; to designate; to draft; to assign选派 The personnel so selected.被选派的人员He was cast as Othello.他被选派扮演奥赛罗的角色. Ann was cast as the wife.安妮被选派扮演妻子的角色...
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