选修科选课导师的英文:minor adviserminor是什么意思:adj. 较小的;未成年的n. 副修科目;未成年人v. 副修某科during one's minority未成年期间 You neglected the minor premise in a syllogism你忽视了三段论中的小前提。She played a minor role in the ...
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创可贴男友的英文:band-aid boyfriendband是什么意思:n. 带;橡皮圈,松紧带;条纹;群;乐团,乐队v. 用带捆;使聚集banding saturation色饱和度条带效|应 moving band interface传送带接口 a stripe; a streak; a band条纹 aid是什么意思:n. 援助;帮助....
选修课的英文:an elective course; a selective course; a selected course参考例句:Is French compulsory or optional?法语是必修课还是选修课?One of my grad students complained about the dearth of electives, but a classmate countered,Of course ...
选秀的英文:drafttryouttalent show参考例句:Can she be an instant hit after winning the championship in talent show? 她能在获得选秀冠军后一炮而红吗?Girl singing competition, a show widely regarded as China s version of American Idol.年仅22...
串通的英文:collude参考例句:She was intriguing with her sister against her mother.她和妹妹串通捣鬼和母亲作对。play booty串通伙伴行骗Collusion of the police with the criminal is not uncommon警察和罪犯串通是常有的事情。Connive:To cooperate s...
选秀节目的英文:talent show参考例句:Girl singing competition, a show widely regarded as China s version of American Idol.年仅22岁却红遍全国的张靓颖是2005年“超级女声”歌唱比赛的第三名,这一选秀节目被公认为“美国偶像”的中国翻版。 talent是....
窗幔的英文:curtaincurtain是什么意思:n. 窗帘;帘,幔;幕布,帷幕;掩蔽物,覆盖物,防护物;绝望的处境v. 给(窗户等)装上帘子The curtains screen out the sunlight.窗帘遮住了阳光。 The curtains and carpets should match.窗帘和地毯应该相配。 The...
串味的英文:tainting by odourtainting是什么意思:n. 污点,耻辱,感染v. 污染,使腐败,沾染,腐蚀,败坏To contaminate;taint.损坏;玷污 To taint;contaminate.使有缺点;玷污 You have only tainted evidence.你们只有有瑕疵的证据。Smog has tainted t...
选样的英文:samplingsampling是什么意思:n. 抽样,取样;节录v. sample的ing形式;抽样,取样These are the samplings used in the survey.这些是调查的采样。Here is our sample room.这是我们的样品室。The sperm sample is produced by masturbation.精....
窗台的英文:windowsill参考例句:There are dots of soot on the window sill窗台上有一点烟灰。A wise tabby, a blinking sphinx, watched from her warm sill一只明察秋毫的母花猫,伊然是座眨巴着眼睛的斯芬克斯,呆在暖洋洋的窗台上朝这边望着。She pull...
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2016年7月公布的AFP试题——金融理财基础(一) 582 KB下载数 89 下 载
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