床铺的英文:bed参考例句:She 's making the bed .她在整理床铺。A sofa that is convertible(into a bed)可改(为床铺)的沙发The little boy is learning how to sheet a bed. 小男孩正在学怎样给床铺被单。She made her bed, and tidied her room.她整理了....
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
窗帘的英文:window curtains参考例句:His silhouette appeared on the curtain.他的侧面影像出现在窗帘上。Curtain rail窗帘架The curtains were an impulse buy.这窗帘是一时心血来潮买下的。She dunked the curtains in the dye她把窗帘浸在染料中。pleat...
床沙的英文:bed form ;bed siltbed是什么意思:n. 床,睡眠处;睡觉;(海、河、湖等的)底部;苗床v. 把...安置在;为…提供住宿(床位);睡,卧Procrustean bed逼人就范之物Bed rest is more like bed agony.上床睡觉好象是种苦恼。It has bedded into th...
选择性的英文:selectivity参考例句:antibiotics are somewhat selective in their antibacterial actions抗菌素的抗菌谱略有选择性。It is possible that the ardor of foreign migration is more selective of hardy biological stock.这大概是外国移民的....
炫富的英文:flaunt wealth2007年8月教育部公布的171个汉语新词之一,炫富展示、炫耀财富。参考例句:Though he is regarded as a rich second generation, he never flaunts their wealth.尽管他是个富二代可他从来不炫富。flaunt是什么意思:n. 炫耀;飘扬v...
选择性颈部廓清术的英文:END, elective neck dissectionend是什么意思:n. 最后部分,末端,尽头;终止;结局;死亡;目的;一端,一方;部分v. 结束,终止adj. 最后的,最终的Is the conference ended?会谈结束了吗?To join or be joined end to end;abut....
炫目的英文:glitz参考例句:There was a blinding flash and the the whole building shuddered.阵阵炫目的闪光过后,整栋大楼颤抖起来。She forgot about the heat, the beating sun, and glare.她忘了炎热,忘了炙人的太阳,和炫目的阳光。 The evening su...
选择性颈部照对的英文:ENI, elective neck irradiationeni是什么意思:1.=Equivalent Noise Input 等效噪音输入elective是什么意思:a. 选举的,根据选举的,选任的n. 选修课程This is a direct election.这是直接选举。He was unanimously elected as Preside...
绚烂的英文:flowerinessgorgeousness参考例句:In spring, the valleys are ablaze with colour.春天,山谷里春色绚烂。Because God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame.上帝的礼物叫人间最绚烂的梦幻失落了颜色。 The clear red and white of her comp...
选择性淋巴结切除的英文:ELND, elective lymph node dissectionelective是什么意思:a. 选举的,根据选举的,选任的n. 选修课程This is a direct election.这是直接选举。He was unanimously elected as President. 人们一致选举他当总统。The elections were...
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