胸卡的英文:a name tagbadgename是什么意思:n. 名称;姓名;名声;名人v. 取名;说出;确定;提名The first name is the generic name and the second is the specific name.第一个词为植物的属名,第二个为种名。In Name type a name for the data source....
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
匈牙利的英文:Hungary参考例句:czech has divergent views on the issue of the Benes Decrees with that of Germany, Austria and Hungary.捷克与德国、奥地利和匈牙利在贝奈斯法令问题上存在分歧。Rubinstein now headed for Japan, taking for companion...
从两边底线往篮下的战术的英文:backdoor cutbackdoor是什么意思:a. 秘密的Check such malpractices as building connections and cementing backdoor sources for private gain杜绝为谋取私利拉关系,钻门路的不正之风He went out through the backdoor into...
胸口的英文:the pit of the stomachwind参考例句:She cried with her hand at the heart.她把手放在胸口大喊了一声。Heart disease often shows itself first as pain or tightness in the chest.心脏病的前兆常常是胸口疼痛或憋闷。"High blood pressure, ...
匈牙利蓝的英文:Hungary bluehungary是什么意思: n.匈牙利The whole country of Hungary is in disorder right now.整个匈牙利现在陷入了一片动乱。The import included many people from Hungary. 入境的移民中有许多匈牙利人。Some people in hungary an...
从零的英文:from sctatch参考例句:The symbol 0,representing nought or zero 0零.(代表无或零的符号)With shining dew零露泥泥The average net charge of glycine is zero.甘氨酸静电荷为零The Carp are winning, seven to nothing.广岛队以七比零领先。Wi...
胸口痛的英文:have a pain in the chest参考例句:"High blood pressure, heart trouble, breathlessness and/or chest pain?"患过高血压、心脏病、气喘病和/或胸口痛吗have是什么意思:v.[T]1.有2.怀有,知道,明白,表示(同情等)3.做(动作),从事4.吃....
匈牙利浓汤的英文:Hungarian Goulashhungarian是什么意思:adj.匈牙利的The branch of the Finno - Ugric subfamily of languages that includes Hungarian.乌戈尔语包括匈牙利语的芬兰-乌戈尔亚语系的分支。Everybody knows that the hungarian incident w...
从略的英文:be omittedomitted是什么意思:v. [omit] 的过去式及过去分词形式;遗漏,疏忽This part of the book may be omitted.书的这一部分可以省略。Percussion of the abdomen is often omitted.腹部叩诊常被省略。In circumstances where there is no ...
胸脯的英文:chest参考例句:His hogshead of a chest他那膀大腰圆的胸脯White breast of the dim sea.朦胧的海洋那雪白的胸脯。 The inspector puffed out his chest a little.检查员稍微挺起了胸脯。Would you like some leg or some breast ?你要腿肉还是....
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