葱油泼石斑鱼的英文:Steamed Sea Bass with Scallion Oilsteamed是什么意思:adj. 蒸(熟)的v. steam的过去式和过去分词;蒸煮Steam has fogged my glasses.蒸气使我的眼镜模糊不清。The boiler discharged steam.锅炉排放了蒸汽。The ship steamed into th...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
胸无大志的英文:have no ambition at all; have no ideal at all参考例句:We mustn't be persons who are unambitious.我们不能做胸无大志的人。"She has had it with her lazy, unambitious husband."她真是受够了她那又懒又胸无大志的丈夫。have是什么意....
聰明的英文:bright; clever; intelligent; wisebright是什么意思:adj. 明亮的;晴朗的;鲜亮的;欢快的;聪颖的;前途光明的adv. 明亮地;欢快地n. 车头灯光The moon is bright only by reflection.月亮靠反射发光。It is bright and fresh in early autumn...
葱油泼牙片鱼的英文:Steamed Olive Flounder with Scallion Oilsteamed是什么意思:adj. 蒸(熟)的v. steam的过去式和过去分词;蒸煮Steam has fogged my glasses.蒸气使我的眼镜模糊不清。The boiler discharged steam.锅炉排放了蒸汽。The ship steamed i...
胸腺的英文:thymus参考例句:Thymic tumours and dermoid cysts, although in the anterior mediastinum, may be closely related to the pulmonary trunk胸腺肿瘤和皮样囊肿,虽然位于前纵隔,也可与肺动脉段密切相连。Surgical removal of the thymus.切除...
从背后照亮的英文:backlightbacklight是什么意思:逆光; 背部照明Desert sunshine backlights her chestnut curls and moon - white skin with an otherworldly halo(Los Angeles Times)沙漠的阳光从后面照亮了她粟色的卷发和月光一样的白皮肤,笼罩着一层来...
葱郁的英文:luxuriantly green; verdant参考例句:The tree beset with parasites prospers not被寄生虫侵蚀的树木也不可能葱郁茁壮。From the house, the garden drops away, surrounded by a rural scene of woodland.从房子的位置,花园开始变低,四周树....
胸有成竹的英文:[Literal Meaning]at heart/have/complete/bambooto have complete bamboo on one's mind[解释]在做事之前已经做好了计划和决定。[Explanation]to have a well-thought-out plan before hand[例子]如果你已经胸有成竹,就放心大胆地干吧。[Ex...
从病毒中获取遗传物质的英文:acquiring genetic materials from human and avian virusesacquiring是什么意思:v. [acquire] 的现在分词形式;取得,获得acquired distinctiveness经(使用或其它方法)取得的独特性 Dancing is an acquired skill.跳舞是后天...
聪慧的英文:bright; intelligent参考例句:You're nice and smart.你真是聪慧可人。A mariner of infinite resource and sagacity一名机智聪慧的水手The children in the kindergarten are bright and lovely.幼儿园里的孩子都很聪慧可爱。I was captivated ...
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