葱头牛肉丝的英文:shredded beef with onionshredded是什么意思:v. [shred] 的过去式和过去分词形式;变成碎片a shred of cloth一块撕碎的布片 There is not a shred of truth in the story.这则报道中没有一句实话。They may be shredding documents.他们....
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葱油煎饼的英文:Fried Scallion Pancakefried是什么意思:adj. 油炸的French fries come with the hamburger.炸薯条与汉堡一起供给。The place stinks of fried onions.这个地方有股煎洋葱的刺鼻气味。The main dish is a fried steak.主菜是炸牛排。scallio...
葱油椒盐花卷的英文:steamed twisted rolls with scallion and spicy saltsteamed是什么意思:adj. 蒸(熟)的v. steam的过去式和过去分词;蒸煮Steam has fogged my glasses.蒸气使我的眼镜模糊不清。The boiler discharged steam.锅炉排放了蒸汽。The ship...
聪明的的英文:APTapteraptestbrainierbrainiestbrainybrightclear-sightedclearsightedcleverercleverestcutefast-fingeredingeniousintellectualintelligentknowledgeabilityknowledgeablelongheadedof high IQperspicacioussagacioussapientslickwisewiser...
葱油九孔的英文:Abalone in Scallion Oilabalone是什么意思:n. 鲍鱼Abalone slice with oyster sauce is the best of our kitchen.蚝油鲍鱼生是我们厨房的最拿手的好菜.Abalone slices with oyster sauce is the best of our kitchen.蚝油鲍鱼片是我们厨房....
胸膛的英文:chest参考例句:Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. 痛哭的回音在我的胸膛震荡。 They threw their chests out when marching in parade. 他们在列队行进时都挺起了胸膛。He swelled his chest outimportantly.他神气地挺起胸膛。...
聪明的主意的英文:Bright Idea参考例句:That's a cute idea.这是个聪明的主意。His head is teeming with Bright ideas.他的脑子里有许多聪明的主意。bright是什么意思:adj. 明亮的;晴朗的;鲜亮的;欢快的;聪颖的;前途光明的adv. 明亮地;欢快地n. 车....
葱油泼多宝鱼的英文:Steamed Turbot with Scallion Oilsteamed是什么意思:adj. 蒸(熟)的v. steam的过去式和过去分词;蒸煮Steam has fogged my glasses.蒸气使我的眼镜模糊不清。The boiler discharged steam.锅炉排放了蒸汽。The ship steamed into the ...
胸无城府的英文:be simple and candid; be unsophisticated参考例句:He has nothing hidden in the mind.他胸无城府。He was forty-five years of age, of medium height, fairly thick-set, not at all unprepossessing他已经45岁,中等身材,矮矮胖胖的,...
聪颖的英文:perspicacity参考例句:An apt student.一个聪颖的学生She never tires of talking about her clever son她不厌其烦地讲述她聪颖的儿子。She is bright beyond her years.她的机灵聪颖超过了她的年龄。Their little son's brightness charmed all...
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