凶神恶煞的英文:[Literal Meaning]fierce/devils/fierce/devilsfierce devils[解释]煞:面目吓人的神。形容非常凶恶的人。[Explanation]fierce-looking[例子]不要对孩子凶神恶煞一样,会吓着她的。[Example]Don't treat the kid like fierce devils or you w...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
从合同的英文:accessory contract参考例句:affirmation of contract批准合同 A juicy contract有利可图的合同The contract is about to run out.合同快到期了。The contract do not alter the status quo. 合同不能改变现状。Vitiate a claim,contract,theo...
从何时起的英文:from when参考例句:At some point, he began hearing voices. 不知从何时起,他开始产生幻听。Such ceremonies have been handed down to us from time immemorial.这种仪式不知从何时起一直传下来。Do not know to when, the home of eye w...
凶手的英文:assailantmurdererassassin参考例句:The killer was merciless.凶手残酷无情。The mass murderer was given three concurrent life sentences.那个屠杀群众的凶手被同时判处并执行三个无期徒刑。The witness deposed to having seen the murdere...
从后面的的英文:aft参考例句:Tilt backward向后面倾斜The posterior segment of the body in arthropods.节肢动物身体的后面部分Immediately behind the iris is the crystalline lens. 紧靠着虹膜后面的是水晶体。 The salt shaker is in Back of the pepp...
胸部挡球的英文:chestingchesting是什么意思:n. 胸部,胸膛;大箱子He knuckled me in the chest.他用指关节敲击我的胸部。The movement of his chest as he breathes.他呼吸时胸部的起伏。He was bare-chested and barefoot.他袒胸赤足。And the coughing ...
凶险的英文:in a extremely dangerous state参考例句:He got a nasty blow on the head.他的头部受到凶险的一击。"It makes him a devilish suspicious bastard," Harris observed“这说明他是一个凶险狡诈的家伙”哈里斯说。extremely是什么意思:adv. 极....
从几方面来看的英文:in more ways than onemore是什么意思:adv. 更多;此外;更大程度地adj. 更多的;附加的pron. 更多的数量n. 更多;附加The rainstorm is more and more more fierce.暴风雨越来越猛烈。The more illumination, the more temptation.道高...
胸怀的英文:think aboutcherish参考例句:He can by the broad mind universal love each student. 他能够以宽广的胸怀博爱每一位学生。 Relax,be broad-minded放宽胸怀Open-minded, having a large view or breadth of mind胸怀豁达Breadth of mind宽宏的胸...
兄弟姐妹的英文:brothers and sisters; siblings参考例句:Has a close relationship with his siBlings.和他的兄弟姐妹有紧密的联系His siblings are mostly in their early twenties.他的兄弟姐妹大多二十出头。She grew up amidst a lively brood of brot...
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