胸罩的英文:brassierebust bodicebrauplift参考例句:She's wearing my bra.她戴着我的胸罩。She wears a `D cup, ie size of bra.她戴罩杯尺寸为D的胸罩。The bra has gone from being a fashion classic to a fashion cult.胸罩已经从经典时尚转变为流行时...
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从不的英文:never参考例句:Bill at no time gambles.比尔从不赌博。He is never brusque with his comrades.他对同志从不疾言厉色。That weirdo never bathes or changes his clothes.那怪胎从不洗澡或换衣服He never attempts to placate his enemy.他从不...
胸针的英文:brooch参考例句:He diamonded the brooches.他给胸针镶钻石。She dropped her brooch.她把饰针(胸针)丢了。The clasp of my brooch is broken我胸针的钩子断了。The clasp of my brooch is broken.我胸针的钩子坏了.What 's your charge for thi...
从不迟到的英文:to be never late参考例句:She never comes to school late.她上学从不迟到。never是什么意思:adv. 从不,不曾;决不to dream of a never - never land where everyone is rich梦想中的理想之国,那里人人富有Never be haughty to the humb...
聪敏的人的英文:smart cookiesmart是什么意思:adj. 伶俐的,漂亮的,整洁的v. 感到痛苦;遭殃n. 痛苦;剧痛These are smart missiles.这些是导引导弹。She's smart,but her brother is just as smart.她很聪明,但她兄弟也一样聪明。Smart products have a ...
胸椎的英文:thoracic vertebra参考例句:An x-ray film examination of the dorsolumbar spine as well as pectoral regions showed multiple areas of calcificationX线摄片检查表明,其胸椎、腰椎及胸部有多处钙化。thoracic是什么意思:a. 胸的You have p...
从不同的角度的英文:at a different angle参考例句:Shoot sb. from various angles.从各种不同的角度给某人拍照。Approach a problem from different angles由不同的角度研究一个问题The difficulty can now be looked at in a different light. 现在可以用...
聪明的英文:intelligentbright参考例句:The famous mathematician is brainiac who would rather work on solving complex mathematical problems than sleep at night.这位著名数学家十分聪明和勤奋,宁愿晚上不睡觉,也要解开复杂的数学难题。A shrewd ch...
雄辩的英文:eloquent参考例句:"Speech is silver, But silence is gold. -- T. Carlyle"雄辩是银,沉默是金。--卡莱尔His oratorical efforts evoked no response in his audience他的雄辩在听众中不起反响。The Muse of sacred song and oratory.波吕许漠尼...
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