出点的英文:out-point参考例句:Exit point退出点He longed to put a little affection into his epistle.他渴望在信里流露出点爱慕之情。He longed to put a little affection into his epistle他渴望在信里流露出点爱慕之情。Ralph was puzzled and search...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
出产的英文:output参考例句:nonproductive land.不出产的土地Aubusson rug(奥布松出产的)华丽地毯The drinks made by this factory are of 100% pure fruit juice.该厂出产的饮料都是百分之百的纯天然果汁风味。by using the condiment produced by this fa...
出动的英文:start outdispatch参考例句:The police had been called in to quell a minor disturbance.警察奉命出动以平息一场小规模的骚乱。The armed force had to be called out to quell violence.不得不出动军队来镇压暴力行动。Order out the riot po...
出发的英文:start outset off参考例句:Set out; take off;decorate出发;装饰;发表;设计Sail for; head for向(某地)出发;前往Leave A for B; depart A for B离开A向B出发That one leaves on the fourth of April.那辆车于4月4日出发。They were poised for d...
言辞的英文:lang.; verbalism参考例句:A verBal confrontation.言辞冲突He was taken aback by her caustic remarks.她挑衅似的言辞使他大吃一惊and there pour forth jejune words and useless empty phrases(Anthony Trollope)空洞无用的言辞不断涌出(安....
出发地的英文:n. home positionhome是什么意思:n. 家,住宅;家庭,家庭生活;家乡;避难所;产地adj. 家庭的;家用的;国内的;本地的adv. 在家;回家;深入地v. 回家;把...送回家;为...提供住处They are rowing home.他们正划船回家。You will find our...
言犹在耳的英文:The words are still ringing in one's ears.参考例句:The mild criticisms of Singapore by Guangzhou mayor Lin Shusen some months ago are still fresh in my mind.广州市长林树森几个月前对新加坡的微词言犹在耳。words是什么意思:n. ...
言而无信的英文:[Literal Meaning]words/aux./not/creditto make a vain promise[解释]说话不算数,没有信用。[Explanation]to fail to keep faith[例子]你既然说过你要在八月底前写完报告,就不能言而无信。[Example]Since you have said you will complete...
严重的英文:graveseriousseverecritical参考例句:Fatal error message严重错误信息A wicked cough;a wicked gash;wicked driving conditions.严重的咳嗽;严重的创伤;极差的驾驶状况A detached retina is more serious视网膜剥离就更严重了。A big snarl-up ...
言语的英文:speechtalk参考例句:injudicious remarks欠考虑的言语Empty or insincere talk;claptrap.空话,废话;哗众取宠的言语You must guard your tongue carefully.你必须言语谨慎。(of remarks,etc)end inconclusively(指言语等)不了了之Waggish remark...