抽搐的英文:twitch参考例句:An intense,paroxysmal,involuntary muscular contraction.抽搐一种强烈的、阵发性的、不自觉的肌肉收缩A convulsive movement,spasm,etc抽搐的动作、发作等.The muscles of the Duke's face jerked spasmodically公爵脸上的肌肉...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
筹措的英文:raise (money)参考例句:These investments have largely been funded with debt.这些投资项目主要靠借债来筹措所需资金。Money moBilization资金筹措Loan financing贷款筹措We couldn't raise enough money for a holiday.我们筹措的钱不够度假....
抽低球的英文:low drivelow是什么意思:adj. 低的;在底部的;不足的;低于通常标准的;沮丧的;差的;状态不佳的adv. 向下;在靠近…底部的位置;低于通常的水平;低声地n. 低水平;低谷;低气压区v. (牛)哞哞叫low-velocity drop低速度空投 To speak wit...
筹划的英文:to plan and prepare参考例句:A Blueprint for the reorganization of the company重建公司的筹划You did a good job organizing the party.这次舞会,你筹划得很成功。I am planning a 24th birthday party for my nephew.我在为侄子筹划他24岁...
抽干的英文:swab off ;swaboff参考例句:Pump out a flooded basement.把地下室里的水抽干They had to exhaust the water of the well.他们不得不抽干井里的水。He is pumping the water out of the swimming pool.他正在把游泳池里的水抽干。The result is ...
筹集的英文:collect moneyraise funds参考例句:The list might include being head of a fundraising campaign, or acting a juicy role in the senior play所有事项可以包括你曾当过筹集运动的负责人,或在学校高年级演剧时扮演过出色的角色。If the schoo...
抽检的英文:casual inspectionrandom inspectioncasual是什么意思:adj. 偶然的;随便的,非正式的;临时的casual employment at a factory;a casual correspondence with a former teacher.工厂的临时雇佣人员;与先前老师的不定期通信 A casual saunter ar...
筹建的英文:prepare to build sth参考例句:We have accumulated rich experience in hotel opening preparation and business operation of four or five-star hotels.在四、五星级酒店的开业筹建、委托经营管理等方面积累了丰富的经验。They united in the...
抽奖的英文:lottery参考例句:A lottery,typically with an accumulating jackpot,in which participants play numbers of their choice in a random drawing.抽奖赌法一种抽奖方法,具有典型的增值赌注,参加者在抽奖中用数字来代表他们的选择。I like to d...
筹款的英文:fundraising参考例句:They pooh-poohed our scheme for raising money.他们对我们的筹款方案嗤之以鼻.“ The politician was in him,” says his former working partner.“ He was a great promoter and money raiser.他的一位前合作伙伴说:"....