严重影响的英文:had a strong impact on ;has a strong impact on参考例句:Their sabotage put back production badly.他们的破坏严重影响了生产。Sectionalism has seriously affected the unity of the party.地方主义严重影响了该党的团结。The construc...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
稠带操的英文:exercise with ribbonsexercise是什么意思:n. 运动,锻炼;练习,习题v. 锻炼,操练,练习The exercise is that difficult!练习题那么难!morning exercises and setting - up exercises duringthe break早操和课间操Exercise stimulates the ...
言論的英文:opinion on public affairs; expression of one's political views; speech statement; discourseopinion是什么意思:n. 意见,看法,主张;舆论narrow opinions.刻板的观念 You must synthesise various opinions. 你必须综合各方面的意见。This...
言不由衷的英文:[Literal Meaning]words/not/from/heartWhat one says does not come from the heart.[解释]说的不是真心话。指内心和口头不一致。[Explanation]to say what one does not mean[例子]社会上很多人每天都要说一些言不由衷的话,带着伪善的面具...
稠胶冻的英文:short gelshort是什么意思:adj. 短的,矮的,低的;短暂的,短期的;短缺的;缩写的;简慢无礼的;暴躁的adv. 突然,唐突地;不足n. 短裤;短路;缺乏short cataloging简化编目 The trouble be that we be short of hand.困难是我们缺少人手。...
言情小说的英文:1. romantic fiction; a sentimental novelromantic是什么意思:adj. 多情的;富于浪漫色彩的;空想的,浪漫主义的;情爱的n. 富于浪漫气息的人;浪漫主义作家You're fun to be with and a romantic at heart.和你相处很有趣,你实际上是个很...
言出必行的英文:So said,so donesaid是什么意思:v. [say]的过去式和过去分词adj. 上述的What she said figures.她说得有道理。And He said to them,路9:3对他们说、路的时候、要带拐杖、口袋、要带食物、银子、不要带两件褂子。 They finaly said yes.他们....
稠密的英文:dense参考例句:Sheltered by thick but bare bluffs of aspens, stood a large house, built of logs, white-washed, solid.在一片稠密却光秃的白杨树丛掩蔽之下,有一所用圆木造的大房子,粉刷洁白,坚固结实。Bouncing Bet:a perennial Eurasi...
言谈的英文:the way one speaks or what he says参考例句:Walk groundly; talk profoundly; drink roundly; sleep soundly行路踏实,言谈深刻,饮酒豪爽,睡眠酣畅Reading good Books helps to refine ones speech.阅读好的书籍有助于一个人的言谈文雅。Speech...
言词的英文:wordage参考例句:A caustic wit言词尖刻的人.His courageous words took his depressed supporters on the rebound.他的言词颇有胆量,鼓舞了那些本已垂头丧气的支持者。It is felt that distinctness and energy may have weight in recommendi...