发布时间:2019-02-15 10:47 来源:环球网校
点击量: 601
少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
- Exit point
退出点 - He longed to put a little affection into his epistle.
他渴望在信里流露出点爱慕之情。 - He longed to put a little affection into his epistle
他渴望在信里流露出点爱慕之情。 - Ralph was puzzled and searched Simon’s face for a clue
拉尔夫迷惑不解,仔细察看西蒙的脸,想找出点名堂来。 - Fireflies were sparking in the gathering darkness.
萤火虫在渐浓的夜色中发出点点亮光。 - I resolved to treat him in a style of more severity myself
我决计自己出马,拿出点利害给他看。 - I've a busy morning but I could squeeze you in(ie find time for you)at 10.15.
我上午没空,但10点15 分时可以挤出点时间来给你. - Emma was rather plain, rather old, and condescending
爱玛长得相当平常,年纪也较大,而且还摆出点屈尊俯就的样子。 - “If you’d put me on it ,where I belong, maybe I could come up with something”
“要是让我参加——这是我的本行——我也许能搞出点什么名堂。” - They invented a system of dot-and dash symbols which could be punched out on thick paper and read by touch at night
adv. 出外;在外;离岸;出现;问世;大声地;完全;用完;不流行
adj. 外侧的;偏僻的
prep. 通过…而出;沿着…而去
n. 借口,托辞
pref. 外,超过,出,向外
- be out for the count
拳击者被击倒后经裁判数到十秒还站不起来|被判失败|打输|被打败 - Out of the Blue
从天上掉下来 - Out of power, he is out of favour.
当他失去权力之后,他也就不再受人欢迎。 - One that is out, especially one who is out of power.
在野者在外的人,尤指政治上的在野派。 - "Out of office, out of danger"
n. 点;标点;要点;尖端;得分
v. 削尖;指向;加标点于;表明
- That is not the point in question.
那不是要考虑的要点。 - orientation point
方位点 - A score made on a try for a point or points after a touchdown.
触地得分在触地后再次发球所得的一分或几分 - He explained the problem clearly by analyzing it point by point.
他条分缕析地把问题讲清楚。 - concentrate troops at a strategic point
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