1. Passive Study
Reading your text book is a great first step when it comes to studying, but you can’t just read your text book or passage. That is passive studying. To study effectively, you have to get active with the material in your book. The more we “work” with information, by reading, writing, drawing, and quizzing, the more we remember it.
2. Studying Without Structure
Every topic that you study has been presented to you in some type of sensible structure, whether it is math – which comes in building blocks, or social studies - which comes in categories. Take some time to examine how the material you’re studying was presented to you, and frame the material this way as you study.
For example, you must study math in the sequence of steps or blocks that was presented in your chapter, because you are unlikely to understand “step three” if you didn’t see it as a follow-up to steps one and two.
In social sciences, you must find out what types of categories or subtopics your text is presenting. If you are studying several civilizations or populations, for example, what topics are presented as chapters? It could be customs, governments, hereditary traits, or more. Find patterns in your notes and chapters. Then create reusable comparison charts and fill them in from memory a few times.
When you study any social science, you must recognize subtopics and make charts to:
Compare,Contrast,Contextualize.By comparing and contrasting government types, for example, you will be prepared to recognize incorrect choices in a multiple choice exam.
3. Single Cramming Session
Memories are reinforced through repetition. Do not fool yourself into believing that you can really learn material in a single session of cramming. Some of the information will absorb, but some will evaporate, which means it’s an OK strategy if you’re going to be happy with a C grade .
The more you revisit information, the more you absorb and retain. Study a week or so before a test and then follow up with your cramming sessions. That’s a formula for an A.
4. Failing to Preview
Your brain works best if we give it time to create a framework for the information we’re taking in. It might be helpful to think of your brain as a filing cabinet. When you do your assigned readings before class, you establish “drawers and files” for the information you hear in class lectures.
Without this ready storage system, your brain doesn’t know where to file things, and it is more likely to get lost in confusion.
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