唇印的英文:lip printlip是什么意思:n. 嘴唇;口;唇状物;(容器的)嘴;边缘v. 用嘴唇碰;吻;轻声说出His lips lipped and mouthed fleshless lips of air.他那翕动的嘴唇吮吻着没有血肉的空气嘴唇。His lips lipped and mouthed fleshless lips of air:...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
纯真的英文:naivetenaivetytrueness参考例句:Tess was a chaste young girl.苔丝是一个纯真的少女。This beauty treatment makes brides sensual and likable,but not far from innocent.这样的新娘美容,妖艳又不失纯真,讨人喜欢。Lacking in sophisticat...
序列的英文:sequence参考例句:Sequential lobing radar序列波束雷达PDH (Pseudo-Synchronous Digital Hierarchy)准同步数字序列A sequence of RNA produced by transcription.转录一个经转录合成的RNA的序列It is found that the time series is long range...
淳厚的英文:pure and honest; simple and kind参考例句:The people are honest and warmhearted民风淳厚pure是什么意思:adj. 纯粹的;纯净的;纯洁的;完全的All things are pure to the pure.对洁净的人,凡物都洁净。 But that is pure bluster.然而这纯...
纯正的英文:genuine参考例句:Purity of language语言的纯正Pedigree cattle血统纯正[纯种]的牛The puristic,archaizing form of Modern Greek,which contains morphological and lexical features borrowed from Koine.纯正希腊语现代希腊语的纯正的古典形....
序列,顺序的英文:sequencesequence是什么意思:n.1.[U, C] 有次序的事情、 数字、行动等2.[C](影片中描述一个场景或主题的)连续镜头Shoot entire sequence again.这段连续镜头再完整地拍一遍。It's a sequence of distribution.这是一个广义函数序列。A se...
淳朴的英文:honest; simple; unsophisticated参考例句:Pure,sincere,and magnanimous淳朴高尚They mourn the passing of a simpler way of life.他们对逝去的较为淳朴的生活感到惋惜。A woman of artless grace and simple goodness.淡漠雅致而又淳朴善良的...
纯紫色的英文:n. pure purplespure是什么意思:adj. 纯粹的;纯净的;纯洁的;完全的All things are pure to the pure.对洁净的人,凡物都洁净。 But that is pure bluster.然而这纯粹只是夸夸其谈而已。He is Spaniard pure and simple他是一个纯血统的西班...
序列化的英文:serializeserializationserializable参考例句:Improved speed of the serializer/deserializer.加快了序列化/反序列化的速度Set the time interval parameter, and determine the subsequence. 根据设定的时间间隔参数,对符号序列进行子序列....
鹑蛋炒碎肉的英文:Stir-Fried Minced Pork and Quail Eggstir是什么意思:n. 微动;搅拌;监牢v. 搅拌,移动,激起,唤醒The sight was brave and stirring. 那种景象是壮观的,扣人心弦的。Stir the soup for a few seconds. 把汤搅动几秒钟。 A long dorma...
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