续杯的英文:(of serving coffee or tea) to refillserving是什么意思:n. 一份食物;服务;上菜adj. 用于上菜的v. serve的现在分词to serve the landlord为地主干活Persons serving on the Appellate Body shall serve in rotation.上诉机构人员任职应实行轮...
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叙利亚的英文:Syria参考例句:The Israelis are none the less ready to bite the Syrians以色列照样会毫不含糊地给叙利亚以颜色The syrian army, though suffering deeper serious casualties, had not broken叙利亚军队虽然伤亡惨重,但是并未崩溃。Our oi...
续编的英文:continuation; sequel参考例句:The children hoped that the continuation of the serial would be more interesting.孩子们希望连续广播剧的续编会更有趣些continuation是什么意思:n. 继续,连续,持续;延长部分Denseness is not continuity....
叙事的英文:narrate; recount参考例句:The recitation of a ballad,an ode,etc叙事歌谣、颂诗等的背诵.The music transcends from the speakers; at once epic and grand, then suddenly subdued and reflective.音乐超越叙事者而来,时而史诗般宏伟,时而....
续集的英文:continuationSEQUEL参考例句:We say that the real number system is a continuum. 我们讲,实数系是一个连续集。He is writing a sequel to his latest best seller.他正在写他的最新畅销书的续集。Don't you want to see part two of the seri...
叙述的英文:relatenarraterecount参考例句:An eyewitness account of a crime目击者对一罪行的叙述an episode in a narrative叙述中之枝节recounted the saga of their family problems.详细叙述了他们家的麻烦事Such a mini computer will now be describe...
续约的英文:to extend or continue a contract参考例句:We've dealt with several renewals this week.我们本周内处理了几件续约的事.This sightseeing will last about one month.这次观光会持续约30天的时间。Just to refresh your memory, we'll be disc...
叙述性条款的英文:descriptive clausedescriptive是什么意思:adj. 描述的,描写的,说明的particular description详细的描述 This is a capsule description of the event. 这就是关于那个事件的简要介绍。a graphic description of the accident事故的生动...
絮叨的英文:wordy参考例句:The minister's voice was a relentless drone.部长不停地絮叨着。a garrulous speech.一个冗长絮叨的讲演She is really long-winded她可真絮叨。He waffled on for hours but no one was listening.他絮叨了半天,谁也没听进去.It...
叙说的英文:narrate; tell参考例句:Report ones findings.叙说自己的发现The old woman sighed out her grief. 老妇人叹着气叙说她的悲哀。 He began to rage against his bad luck.他开始愤愤地叙说自己的倒霉事儿。narrate是什么意思:v. 叙述;给…作旁....
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