发布时间:2019-02-28 10:19 来源:环球网校
点击量: 1837
少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
a lot of things
- He has a long head on many matters.
他在许多事情上极有远见。 - A nurse has many duties to fulfill in caring for the sick.
要看护好病员,护士有许多事情要做。 - We have a bushel of things to do today.
今天我们有许多事情要做。 - We differ on many things.
我们在许多事情上意见不一致。 - The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time.
做许多事情的捷径,就是逐渐事情去做。 - A lot would then depend on where the will was executed and could be proved.
许多事情要取决于遗嘱在什么地方生效执行。 - In the electric light of the bunker much remained to be done.
在地下避弹室的电灯光下,还有许多事情要做。 - She retained her oratorical bounce when there was so much more to do
尽管还有许多事情要做,她仍然保持着演说家的活力。 - In the electric light of the bunker much remained to be done
在地下避弹室的电灯光下,还有许多事情要做。 - There are many, many ramifications and many things we could talk about.
n. 很多,多数;全部;一批;一块地;签;抽签
v. 划分;抽签
- to decide By lot
抽签决定 - It was settled by lot.
这事是以抽签决定的。 - It was settled by lotting.
这事是以抽签决定的。 - They are a sorry lot.
他们是一批糟糕的家伙。 - But it is a lot less clear than a lot of other objects.
n. 东西;事物;衣物;财物;形势,情况;事业;家伙;事情
- These things will happen.
这种事总要发生的。 - These are things that were proposed as reasonable things to do.
这些被当作合理的事情提议出来。 - Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.
榜样是影响他人的一样东西,但它不是主要的。 - This is a vain and fleeting thing.
这是一种空虚的、转瞬即逝的东西。 - It is stupid to do such a thing.
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