成衣的英文:hand-me-downslopwork参考例句:The dress maker gathered the skirt.成衣工把裙子打褶。Is there any difference between ready-made dresses and dresses made to order? 成衣和订制的衣服有什么区别吗?Tailoring Techniques成衣工艺技术handm...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
成为受害者的英文:fall victim to参考例句:Make sb one's victim;exploit or attack使某人成为受害者;剥削;掠夺fall是什么意思:v. 落下;倒塌;摔倒;下降;减弱;阵亡n. 摔倒;下降;秋天;垮台;陷落;瀑布adj. 秋天的Sleet is falling.天上下起了冰雹。...
成正比的英文:proportional to参考例句:An electric current varies directly as the electromotive force and inversely as the resistance.电流的大小与电动势成正比,与电阻成反比。The undeniable fact is that the amount of advertisement and econom...
成衣店的英文:ready-made clothes shopready是什么意思:adj. 准备好的,现成的;快要…的;迅速的,即时的;情愿的adv. 预先;迅速地n. 预备好的状态;现款v. 使准备好Ready money is a ready medicine现钱等于成药a ready intelligence;a ready response.....
成文的英文:writtenstatutory参考例句:They will work up the data into an article.他们将把资料整理成文。Does the facility have a written security policy?工厂是否有成文的保安政策?No man can become a serviceable servant solely by obedience to...
要不的英文:otherwiseoror else参考例句:I want a soft drinks.我要不含酒精的的饮料。I wish you wouldn't chop and change your mind like this; either buy a new motorcycle or don't, but leave me in peace.我希望你不要这样朝秦暮楚;要不就买辆新摩...
成因的英文:causefactor参考例句:geomorphology deals with the origin of landscapes and changes in them地貌学研究地形的成因及其变化。The objection to the placer origin have centred around the softness of uranium compounds反对砂矿成因的论据主...
成问题的英文:to be a problem; to be open to question (or doubt or objection); to be in question参考例句:His drinking is getting to be a problem.他酗酒越来越成问题。Regarding money, that's no problem.至于钱嘛,那不成问题。India still pro...
要不然的英文:otherwiseor elseor参考例句:Otherwise I might be considered undependable, or unworthy要不然,人们准会把我看作是毫不可靠或不屑一顾的小人物了。Or else of thee this I prognosticate, Thy end is truth's and beauty's doom and date.....
成语的英文:set phraseidiom参考例句:The idioms sound corny这些成语听起来俗不可耐。In this article the folk custom of Kazak is introduced through two aspects :idiom and culinary tradition.本文从哈萨克成语和饮食习惯两方面阐述了哈萨克民俗风情...
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