诚然的英文:certesto be sure参考例句:Indeed .. but ..; true .. but ..诚然;的确..但..I cannot deny(that);admittedly无可否认;诚然We must face the differences, but let us try to see beyond them down the long vista of the future诚然,我们必须....
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
知道来历 就能2分钟记下10个地道俚语!
英语中的许多俚语其字面意思和引申义完全没有关系,让人摸不着头脑,不过当你了解了它们的来源之后,就会觉得容易记忆了。 Why do we bury the hatchet?我们为什么要把斧头埋起来? Bury the hatchet字面意为把“战斧埋起来”,引申义为“和解,重归...
诚实的英文:honesthonestyhonorabletruthful参考例句:Adherence to the truth;truthfulness.诚实坚持真理;诚实On the up and up坦率,诚实Honest students despise cheating.诚实的学生鄙视作弊A clean fighter; a clean competition.诚实的战士;公平竞争Lac...
读书时课堂里英文老师反复强调的那些单词辨析,那时还能一条条清晰地列出来,现在就傻眼了吧!即使你已通过专四专八,还是然并卵!小编带你补补漏洞。 everyday & every day ? everyday作形容詞,表示每天的,或日常的,或平凡的 例如﹕This is a...
诚实的的英文:guilelessheart-to-heartheart-wholehonestlealon the squaresinceresingle-eyedsingle-heartedsingle-mindedtrueheartedtruthfulunfeigneduprightveraciousvereciouswhitehanded参考例句:Adherence to the truth;truthfulness.诚实坚持真理;....
If you’re learning a foreign language you’ve probably been in this situation before: getting all excited about coming across a seemingly familiar word only to find out that its actual meaning is very different from what you expected. Th...
诚心的英文:sincerely; earnestly参考例句:In earnest; in seriousness有诚心;认真地Sincere remorse for wrongdoing;repentance.悔罪对所犯过错的诚心悔恨;悔悟。To acquiesce true-heartedly诚心悦服insincere,calculated modesty.不诚心的,做作的谦虚a...
诚心诚意的英文:(saying) eager and sincere参考例句:"Nor did she put the question altogether idly, but, for the moment, with a portion of genuine earnestness;"她提出这样一个问题绝不是漫不经心的,就当时而论,她确实带着几分诚心诚意Iago, as if i...
成型的英文:confectioningmoldingshape up参考例句:Moulding pressure成型压力molding technique.成型工艺polymer processing高聚物加工成型Lithography Electro forming Micro Molding,【abbr】LIGA微影铸模成型reaction injection moulding反应注射成型Sh...
诚信的英文:【经】 in good faith参考例句:Honest establishs basis, profession creates brand, service wins market! 用诚信树立根基,用专业打造品牌,用服务赢得市场! To honor credibility and oppose cheating讲诚信,反欺诈"to operate with integr...
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