成效的英文:effectresult参考例句:Fresh progress has been made in keeping public order through comprehensive measures.社会治安综合治理取得新成效。Spend one's time productively时间用得有成效.These methods have proved quite effective.这些办法...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
要道的英文:main drag参考例句:The Straits of Gibraltar are the strategic passage between the Mediterranean and the atlantic.直布罗陀海峡是地中海通向大西洋的咽喉要道。The Strand is one of London's busiest thoroughfares.斯特兰德大街是伦敦最....
成员的英文:member参考例句:He is a Boy Scout.他是男童子军成员。Member of a legislature立法机关成员;立法者indoctrinate new members into the party.教导党内新成员The other members acquiesced in his resignation.其他成员默许了他的辞呈。They int...
成心的英文:deliberatewith prior intent参考例句:You artful hussy! Now, tell me-didn't you make that hat blow off on purpose? I'll swear you did!你这个诡计多端的小丫头片子!你告诉我,你是不是成心把帽子弄掉了的?我敢起誓说,一定是!Purposely...
要得的英文:goodfine参考例句:I need an A in this course to get on the honor roll这门功课必须要得A我才能上光荣榜。The money was most urgently required.钱要得很急。I'm afraid I'm coming down with the flu.恐怕我要得流行感冒。Who needs more th...
成员国的英文:member countrymember state参考例句:The Bank's capital is subscribed by the member states.银行的资金由成员国捐助。But , at the moment, members of the Arctic Council are resisting the expansion of their exclusive club.但在目前....
要地的英文:strategic location参考例句:in short简单扼要地Largely, this is because of his personality. 主要地,这是由于他的个性。Nonwovens have largely evolved from either the pre-existent textile or paper industries非纺织物主要地是从已存....
要点的英文:main pointessential参考例句:The essentials of grammar语法要点It's very important to get to the heart of the discussion.抓住讨论的要点是非常重要的。Would you like some dessert?您要点甜品吗?What will you like for dessert?您要点什...
要么的英文:either ... or ...参考例句:The vet says amputate or he'll have to be put to sleep.兽医说要么截肢,要么只有安乐死。Either you eat your spinach or you go without ice-cream.你要么把菠菜吃了,要么你不吃冰淇淋。A man is either free o...
要饭的英文:beg (for food or money)参考例句:Be reduced to begging,borrowing沦落到得要饭、借债You ought to beg, and not live with a gentleman's children. Go and stand by the door."你应该去要饭,不应该和我们这些大户人家的孩子们一起生活。走,...
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