耶穌的英文:Jesus; the Prince of Peacejesus是什么意思:n.耶稣int. 天哪Would Jesus do it thusly?耶酥会这样做吗?But Jesus said, begone, Satan!但耶稣却说:“去吧,撒旦!”God raised Jesus from the dead.上帝让耶稣死而复生。prince是什么意思:n. ...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
成田机场的英文:Naritanarita是什么意思: 成田机场
成人夜校的英文:night school for adults参考例句:Millions of people are enrolled in evening adult education programs across America. 许许多多的人参加了遍及美国的成人夜校。school是什么意思:n. 学校,学院,学派,上学阶段;上课时间;学校全体师...
椰菜沙拉的英文:Cauliflower Saladcauliflower是什么意思:n. 花椰菜You can try these early cabbages and cauliflowers.你可以尝试下这些早熟卷心菜和花椰菜。She mushed up potato and cauliflower.她把土豆和花菜捣成泥。I opt for lemonade, some cauli...
成为的英文:to becometo turn into参考例句:His dream to become President is just a pie in the sky.成为总统是他的梦想。He was baptized a Catholic.他受洗成为天主教徒。Do you want to be a big deal in life?你想成为大人物吗?The leek became the ...
成人用品的英文:sex productssex是什么意思:n. 性别;性;性行为There are members of both sexes in the committee. 委员会里男女委员都有。You know the risks of promiscuous sex.你知道滥交的危险。The sex discrimination act defined two kinds of se...
椰林飘香的英文:pina coladapina是什么意思:凤梨麻
成为废墟的英文:lain in ruins ;lay in ruins ;lie in ruins参考例句:destroyed;In ruins成为废墟地lain是什么意思:(lie的过去分词)These machines have lain idle since the factory closed.这些机器自工厂关闭以来一直闲置着。The machines have lain ...
成仁的英文:[Formal] to die for a righteous causeformal是什么意思:adj. 正式的;礼仪上的;有条理的;正规的;公开的 ;拘谨的You should recast the report in formal wording as it is a formal occasion.这是一个很郑重的场合,所以你的报告应改的正....
椰丝的英文:shredded coconutshredded是什么意思:v. [shred] 的过去式和过去分词形式;变成碎片a shred of cloth一块撕碎的布片 There is not a shred of truth in the story.这则报道中没有一句实话。They may be shredding documents.他们可能是在粉碎文....
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