Agree是英语中较为常见的单词,表示V.同意/赞成,常做不及物动词,一起来看看它不同的用法! 首先,agree可以表示赞同的意思,同时也有承认的意思。如下面例句: Wet agree on your plans. 我们同意你的计划。 The boy agrees that Tom is cleve...
外语少儿 短信预约提醒
承当的英文:bear; take参考例句:Dare to accept the consequences of his doing一人做事一人承当bear是什么意思:v. 承受;忍受;生小孩;容许n. 熊"Bearing up , bearing up . "马马虎虎。They censused the bear in the forest.他们统计调查森林中熊的数....
Life is immense can you understand that? I never think of it that way. A revolution was in my head. That's how I suddenly decide to change my life to start fresh. ——The Legend of 1900 生命如此广阔 你能理解吗? 我从来....
承德的英文:(N) Chengde (city in Hebei)参考例句:Tour the enormous Dongting Lake from Yueyang to Changde by boat at 17:00.17:00从岳阳乘船到承德,游览浩瀚的洞庭湖city是什么意思:n. 都市,城市;特许市;全市居民;伦敦商业区;充满...的地方the ci...
When love is in excess, it brings a man no honor nor worthiness ——Criminal Mi...
承兑的英文:acceptaccept foraccept ofhonorhonour参考例句:D/A承兑交单The debtor has refused to accept or honor a bill.债权人拒绝承兑的票据。Documentary credit acceptance advice跟单信用证承兑通知书acceptance qualified as to place对付款地点有...
承包责任制的英文:system of contracted responsibilitysystem是什么意思:n. 体系,系统;设备;制度;方法;身体;次序Is the system unstable?是系统不稳定吗?It was not a perfect system.它不是一个完美的系统。This is a sexpartite system.这是一个....
承接的英文:carry on; continue参考例句:wet sheet taker领纸装置,湿纸幅承接器A bowl to catch the seepage承接渗出液体的盆.Our shopping centre accepts phone orders.本商场承接电话订货。Repair different kinds of zippers at reasonable price. Read...
承揽的英文:【法】 hire of workhire是什么意思:v. 租用;聘用n. 租金,工钱The laborer is worthy of his hire.做工的人应得其报酬。They hired agents to conduct their affairs.他们雇请代理人来处理他们的事务。They hired a nurse to care for her.他....
咬牙的英文:brygmusodontoprisis参考例句:To gnash the teeth and rub the palms.咬牙擦掌。Clench one's fist/jaws/teeth攥紧拳头[咬紧牙关/咬牙"However, be patient, grit your teeth a little longer“总之,要有耐心,再咬咬牙,一定会绝处逢生。I kno...
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