成本增加的英文:diseconomy参考例句:The fact was that expropriation seemed to magnify costs and reduce productivity实际情况是,这些企业在收归国有以后,成本增加而生产率却下降了。diseconomy是什么意思:n. 不经济 ......
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
成本的英文:cost参考例句:Genetically engineered seed costs more.转基因种子的成本更高。profits proportionable to expense利润与成本相称The cost problems will become self-evident成本问题就会一目了然了。How do I minimise the cost?我如何实现成....
成本最小化的英文:cost minimization参考例句:How do I minimise the cost?我如何实现成本最小化?cost是什么意思:v. 花费;使付出;估价n. 费用;代价;成本;损失Cost was no consideration. 费用无关紧要。The cost will be astronomical.费用将是一笔....
成本不变产业的英文:constant cost industryconstant是什么意思:adj. 固定的;不停的,接连不断的n. 常数;不变的事物Matter is in constant motion and constant change. 物质总是在不断运动,不断变化的。 A constant guest is never welcome常客令人厌Th...
成本递减产业的英文:decreasing cost industrydecreasing是什么意思:adj. 减少的Decrease indent of paragraph one level /Decrease Indent把段落缩进程度减小一个等级/减小缩进Is your production on the decrease?你们的产量在减少吗?The decrease in sa...
成比例的需求函数的英文:proportional demand curveproportional是什么意思:adj. 成比例的;相称的,均衡的n. 比例项extreme term of proportion比例外项 A large proportion of the country is desert. 这个国家的大部分地方是沙漠。They proportioned the...
成本递增产业的英文:increasing cost industryincreasing是什么意思:adj. 增长的Crime is on the increase. 犯罪事件正在增加。 An increase in the energy of the electrons increases the probability of ionization增加电子能量,会增加电离几率。The fi...
成才的英文:amount to somethingreach one's prime参考例句:To nourish one to become a talent孕毓成才He was to a great degree self-taught. 其成才很大程度上依赖于他的自学天赋。The performer, if properly nursed, would make good in a couple of y...
成本递增法则的英文:law of increasing costlaw是什么意思:n. 法律;法规;法学;定律the spirit of the law.法律的实质 It is a law of creation.这是一条宇宙万物的法则。juggle with the law歪曲法律 increasing是什么意思:adj. 增长的Crime is on the ...
成材的英文:become a useful person参考例句:an exponent of self - education自学成材的典型boxed heart check心材开裂,成材心裂 A school which encourages individual fulfillment一所鼓励个人成材的学校He is a self-educated man. He didn't finish ev...