野性的英文:savagery参考例句:He entitled the book Savage Love.他给这本书取名为《野性的爱》。His job promised to anchor his wildness他的职业可望控制他的野性。The race that is oppressed shall prevail in the end, for it will resist the savage...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
野生菌烩乌鱼片的英文:Braised Cuttle Fish with Mushroomsbraised是什么意思:v. 炖,蒸,烩The vicar of Bray见风使舵之人"If a donkey Bray at you, don't Bray at him"傻瓜惹著你,你别跟他缠They Bray most that can do least说话最多的人,能做的事最少c...
野菌鹅肝的英文:Sautéed Goose Liver with Mushroomsgoose是什么意思:n. 鹅;鹅肉;傻瓜This is a sticky goo of pineapple and coconut.这是菠萝和椰子调成的黏稠物。I consider it's a goo man.我认为这是一个感伤的人。Silly as a goose像鹅一样蠢liver...
野营的英文:bivouaccamp outcamping参考例句:allocate rations for a week - long camping trip.分配一星期外出野营的定额Only good scouting is likely to preserve the freedoms so dear to the heart of the eternal Boy Scout.看来只有良好的野营活动才...
野兽的英文:beast参考例句:the endless catalogue of bestial atrocities,无数的野兽般的暴行……A man without reason is a beast in season人无理智就像是一头发情的野兽ponce was as heartless and unfeeling as any wild beast帮塞毫无心肝,凶残犹如野...
野菌烧豆腐的英文:Braised Tofu with Mushroomsbraised是什么意思:v. 炖,蒸,烩The vicar of Bray见风使舵之人"If a donkey Bray at you, don't Bray at him"傻瓜惹著你,你别跟他缠They Bray most that can do least说话最多的人,能做的事最少tofu是什么意...
撑杆跳的英文:pole vault参考例句:Sallie won the pole vaulting莎莉撑杆跳获胜。Pole Vaulting Zombie vaults with a pole. 撑杆僵尸撑杆跳。Our school won first place for the pole vault.我们学校赢得了撑杆跳第一名。The women's pole vault world re...
野兽派的的英文:fauvist参考例句:French artist.A leading exponent of fauvism,he is noted for his stormy,aggressive landscapes.弗拉曼克,莫里斯·德1876-1958法国艺术家,野兽派的主要代表,他以狂放的、具有攻击性的风景画著名fauvist是什么意思:a...
野狼的英文:wild wolfwild是什么意思:n. 荒野adj. 野生的;野蛮的;荒凉的;狂热的adv. 疯狂地The den or dwelling of a wild animal.兽窝野生动物的巢穴或居住地 She moves in a wild zigzag.他行走的路线弯弯曲曲。They went canoeing in the wilds of Ca...
撑杆跳高的英文:pole vaultpole是什么意思:n. 极点,磁极,电极;杆,竿,杆位v. 用竿支撑;撑篙Pole Vaulting Zombie vaults with a pole. 撑杆僵尸撑杆跳。He lowered the flag on the pole.他将杆上的旗降下。They set the pole in a bed of concrete.他...