称为的英文:(v) callnamebe called参考例句:A center called a nucleus一个称为原子核的中心In England they call a fender a wing.在英格兰人们把挡泥板称为wing。 This type of cable is generally referred to as a streamer. 这种电缆一般称为拖缆。Pai...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
叶子保护伞的英文:Umbrella Leaf(植物大战僵尸中的角色,能够保护附近的植物免受皮筋僵尸和投篮车的伤害。)umbrella是什么意思:n. 伞,雨伞;起保护作用的力量或势力;企业集团的中央管理机构I took an umbrella as a precaution. 我带了一把伞以防下雨。...
叶绿素的英文:chlorophyll参考例句:A flagellated protist that ingests food and lacks chlorophyll.动鞭亚纲原生生物一种有鞭毛的原生生物,它摄取食物并缺乏叶绿素Inhibition of chlorophyll synthesis may be caused by etiolation, mutant blocks, or ...
称谓的英文:appellation; title; salutation参考例句:This kind of appellation was closely related to the political and economical background at that time.这些称谓都和当时的政治和经济背景有很深的关系。The change in appellation is highly corre...
页码的英文:page number参考例句:To number the pages of;paginate.标页码编页码或标页码;给…标页码Pagination: The numbering of the make-up pages in consecutive order of a book.编页码:在拼版后的书页加上顺序页码的情况。The pages of the Book wer...
叶绿体的英文:chloroplast参考例句:The chloroplasts of plant cells are flattened structures averaging some 7 m in length and 3-4 m in width植物细胞叶绿体的结构是扁平的,平均长约7微米,宽3~4微米。Plant tissue consisting of parenchyma cells ...
页面调度程序的英文:pagerpager是什么意思:页面调度程序无线传呼机A message was flashed on his pager.他的寻呼机上闪现着一个信息。 We offer a special instant replacement service for pagers.我们对传呼机提供快捷换货的特别服务。Recycled fibre: Se...
页签的英文:tabtab是什么意思:n. 标签,签条;账单,费用;选项卡;首行固定键位v. 把某人视为……,使用制表键Let's keep a tab on expenses.我们把各项费用都记录下来吧。You use two spaces for an indent, and you never use tabs.使用两个空格表示缩进...
陈皮红豆沙的英文:Orange Flavored Red Bean Pasteorange是什么意思:adj. 橙色的n. 桔子,橙;橙色There is a distinct smell of oranges in this room!这个房间里有明显的桔子味!Is it maize, red, or orange? 这个东西是黄色、红色,还是橙色的? It ha...
页数的英文:paginal numberpagination参考例句:Tom counted the pages of the sermon.汤姆计算着祷告词的页数。The New York's circulation remained the same but the number of all pages dropped disastrously《纽约人》的发行量依然如故,但页数却灾难....