充满的英文:full ofbrimming withvery fullpermeated参考例句:Be crowded with; be teeming with;be overflowing with充满;满是Teem with; crawl with充满;富于To be fully supplied or filled;teem.充满丰富储备或完全装满;充满To have a boundless supply...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
顔面的英文:prestigeprestige是什么意思:n. 声望,威望;威信He is an author of international prestige.他是有国际声望的作家。"Prestige, no smoking"高雅场所,请勿吸烟The old universities of Oxford and Cambridge still have a lot of prestige.历史...
充满泪水的英文:fill with tearsfill是什么意思:v. 装满;塞满;填塞;任职n. 满足;吃饱;填充物To fill to the brim.装满,注满填充到边沿 Date of filling: the actual date of filling the return.填表日期:填写办理纳税申报表的实际日期。Fill the sug...
充实自己的英文:to enrich oneself; to substantiate oneself参考例句:She supports her theory with copious evidence.她以大量的例证来充实自己的理论.Everybody has to stock his mind with knowledge.人人都要用知识充实自己的头脑。To supplement my p...
充数的英文:make up the number参考例句:I'm sure I could acquit myself quite creditably in the examinations."若论时尚之学,晚生也或可去充数沽名."make是什么意思:v. 做;制造;生产;使得;获得;准备;引起;开始;使成为,产生;构成n. 形状;样式...
充满自豪的的英文:proudful参考例句:Pride swelled her heart.她心中充满自豪。proudful是什么意思:adj.充满自豪的,非常骄傲的They are poor but proud.他们虽穷但很自重。These proud pigeons are the model of birdhood.这些光荣的信鸽是鸟类的楷模。She...
衍生产品的英文:spin off ;spinoffspin是什么意思:v. 纺,纺纱;吐丝,作茧,结网;使旋转,旋转n. 旋转,自旋You can spin it more with a backhand.你可以打反手拍使旋转更厉害。 It's a spinning top.这是一只旋转的陀螺。The spinning wheel was a Chin...
充沛的英文:bountifulplentiful参考例句:Sufficient supplies货源充沛I really admire her she's so full of zap!我真佩服她--精力那麽充沛! I really admire her she's so full of zip! 我真佩服她--精力那么充沛。Abundant rainfall充沛的雨量Very energ...
衍生灾害的英文:derivative disastersderivative是什么意思:n. 衍生物;导数;派生词adj. 模仿他人的;衍生的Something derived;a derivative.派生派生物;导出物 derivation; descendent派生物 This is a derivative word.这是一个衍生词。Esters are name...
充其量的英文:at bestat the mostat the outside参考例句:Positive expectations of retirement seems at best to fulfill a secondary or supportive role.对退休的向往,充其量似乎也只能使人们担当次要或者辅助的角色。Elementary;(not more than)basic初...