颜色表的英文:n. color tablecolor是什么意思:n. 颜色v. 给...涂颜色] colorful adj.华美的;富有色彩的;有趣的 Colors are in harmony. 色彩调和。The bottom color is the brown coffee color.底色为棕咖啡色。These colors are an electronic interpret...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
盐柱面的英文:salt tablesalt是什么意思:n. 盐,食盐;adj. 含盐的,咸的,用盐腌制的v. 给...加盐;用盐腌制(食物)It is a neutral salt. 这是一种中性盐。This is a salt story.这是个下流的故事。Not worth the salt无能;不称职The salt lithium chlor...
充分的的英文:adequatedueplenaryplenitudinousrepletesatisfyingsufficientwealthy参考例句:adequateness n.适当;充分 Act as a megaphone for the unhealthy tendency充分不正之风的传声筒unwarrantable criticism.没有充分理由的批评Our supply can ful...
颜色丰富的的英文:colourfulcolourful是什么意思:adj. 颜色鲜艳的;生动有趣的,丰富多彩的,引人入胜的;粗俗的Intermediate colour: A colour produced by mixing a primary colour with a secondary colour.间色:原色和二次色混合所造成的颜色。a pair o...
盐渍化的英文:salinizationsalinization是什么意思:盐化; 盐化作用; 盐渍化The reclamation of waste land is influenced by land salinization. 新开垦耕地明显地受到盐碱化的影响,农业生产将受到一定威胁。They mapped the saline regions and examined...
充分发挥货币政策的作用的英文:give full play to the role of monetary policygive是什么意思:n. 弹性,伸展性v. 给;授予;赠送;捐赠;供给;告诉,提供;产生;让步;塌下;举办;支付Will you give it a shot?你想做尝试吗? He gives twice who gives...
颜色深浅渐进的的英文:Ombreombre是什么意思:n. 三人玩的牌戏
阎王的英文:Hades参考例句:Type two are those who will remain incorrigible to the day they report to the King of Hell一种就是顽固到底,一直到见阎王。"If the King of Hell summons you at the third watch, who dares keep you till the fifth?""阎...
充分认识的英文:to be well aware ofaware是什么意思:adj. 意识到的;有…方面知识的,知道的And death is the privation of all awareness.死亡是对所有意识的剥夺。Conscious knowledge or recognition;awareness.认识自觉的理解或识别;知道 Lacking sen...
颜色鲜艳的的英文:psychedelic参考例句:Wow! There are so many colourful albums on the shelf.哇!柜台上有这么多颜色鲜艳的影集。 The book had pictures of brightly coloured animals.这本书有颜色鲜艳的动物画彩页。Colour: Fresh light-yellow Bouqu...