掩护弹幕的英文:predicted barragepredicted是什么意思:v. 预知;预言;预计;预报Predict the future by reviewing the past.鉴往知来。This great prediction is coming true.这一伟大的预言正在成为现实。test for prediction of delinquency过失行为预....
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
掩埋的英文:burialbury参考例句:To bury or entomb;inter.埋葬埋葬或掩埋;埋葬The sand-storm obliterated his footprints沙暴掩埋掉了他的脚印。An oblong box in which a corpse is buried.棺材掩埋尸体的长方形箱Mass burials are now under way in an e...
眼疾的英文:眼疾,眼病。参考例句:Eye diseases are prevalent in some tropical countries.眼疾在一些热带国家很普遍。He has trouble in his eyesight.他患眼疾。Eye problems can indicate an unhealthy lifestyle with subsequent suppression of the i...
掩饰的英文:concealgloss over参考例句:frank enjoyment.不加掩饰的快乐 dissemble anger with a smile用微笑掩饰愤怒Trying to camouflage their impatience极力掩饰他们的不耐烦He glossed over his selfishness with a display of generosity.他以慷慨大...
冲印的英文:【机】 punch mark参考例句:printable negatives.可冲印的底片Film developing摄影冲印Other Interests: Sketching, painting, photography, develop films in dark room其他兴趣:素描、绘画、摄影、暗室冲印punch是什么意思:v. 用拳猛击,用....
眼界的英文:kenscope参考例句:For college students to do a part-time job will broaden their outlook打工使大学生开阔了眼界。Good novels broaden your horizons.好小说开阔人的眼界。He is rather too parochial in his outlook.他的眼界未免过于狭隘....
掩映的英文:set off one another参考例句:Some of them are charmingly shy, half-hidden behind green leafy trees in deep elegant seclusion有的瀑布绿树掩映,幽深清秀,景色妩媚It closed over her forehead like nightfall extinguishing the western...
冲着的英文:with a rush参考例句:His lips suddenly twisted in a mirthless smile and he roared in Mo Kan-cheng's face, "Mr. Mo!忽然他又冷笑起来,就冲着莫干丞的脸大声喊道:“莫先生!Stop shouting at me别冲着我嚷嚷。The river chafes against the...
冲浪者的英文:surfer参考例句:The surfers called it quits after one was nipped by a shark."在某人遭鲨鱼攻击后,冲浪者停止一切活动。"They hire out beach umbrellas to surfers.他们出租沙滩遮阳伞给冲浪者。A trademark used for a brand of sailboar...
眼巴巴的英文:anxiously; hopelessly参考例句:Looking at the cakes with greedy eyes眼巴巴地看着蛋糕The child was eyeing the chocolate cake.这小孩眼巴巴地望着巧克力蛋糕。They suffered the agony of watching him burn to death.他们眼巴巴见他活活...