崇拜的英文:adoreworship参考例句:I adore you.我崇拜你。I adore even the shadow of love; but I adore himself yet more.我甚至崇拜爱情的影子,但我更崇拜爱情本身。To extol or exalt;worship.赞颂,崇敬颂场或褒奖;崇拜Billy is kneeling and worship...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
研修生的英文:traineestrainees是什么意思:n. 新兵;练习生,实习生;受训练的人(动物)Your trainee will undergo vocational training free of charge.你方受训人员将免费接受业务培训。All the expenses of the trainee or trainee will be supported b...
崇高的英文:majesticsublime参考例句:A sublime mission崇高的使命Elevated in character; exalted.品德高尚的;崇高的To exalt or glorify.美化使变得崇高或更美 It seems unbelievable that I have climbed so high in thirty—one years我简直没法相信,....
研制的英文:manufacturedevelop参考例句:Many early launch vehicle s were derived from intercontinental ballistic missiles.早期的运载火箭有许多原来是为洲际弹道飞弹而研制的。A test device for flack flowing systems based on virtual instrument ...
崇敬的英文:esteem参考例句:To make(oneself)bow or kneel down in humility or adoration.使(自己)拜倒使(自己)谦恭或崇敬地鞠躬或跪倒。He adores his elder brother.他崇敬他的哥哥。The people revered the saint.人们崇敬这位圣人。Ardent devotio...
盐巴的英文:saltsalt是什么意思:n. 盐,食盐;adj. 含盐的,咸的,用盐腌制的v. 给...加盐;用盐腌制(食物)It is a neutral salt. 这是一种中性盐。This is a salt story.这是个下流的故事。Not worth the salt无能;不称职The salt lithium chloride is h...
崇明岛的英文:Chongming Islandisland是什么意思:n. 岛;安全岛v. 使孤立;使成岛状A sandbar that connects an island to the mainland or to another island.莎颈岬连接岛屿和大陆或岛屿与岛屿的长条沙洲The soldier aims a missile at that island.士兵....
盐菜肚片汤的英文:Pork Tripe Slices and Pickled Vegetable Souppork是什么意思:n. 猪肉Rabbit sales better than pork.兔肉比猪肉卖的好。The sausages are made of coarsely ground pork.这些香肠用切得较粗的猪肉制成。Pork and apple go well together...
崇尚的英文:uphold参考例句:He says that Imelda "had a penchant for luxury and opulence.他说马可斯夫人伊美黛"崇尚豪华阔绰的生活。Everyone honours justice.人人崇尚正义。Glory in pursuing science; take ignorance and unenlightened to be a disg...
盐场的英文:salt fieldsalt是什么意思:n. 盐,食盐;adj. 含盐的,咸的,用盐腌制的v. 给...加盐;用盐腌制(食物)It is a neutral salt. 这是一种中性盐。This is a salt story.这是个下流的故事。Not worth the salt无能;不称职The salt lithium chlorid...