发布时间:2019-02-15 10:23 来源:环球网校
点击量: 1254
少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
- He says that Imelda "had a penchant for luxury and opulence.
他说马可斯夫人伊美黛"崇尚豪华阔绰的生活。 - Everyone honours justice.
人人崇尚正义。 - Glory in pursuing science; take ignorance and unenlightened to be a disgrace.
以崇尚科学为荣;以愚昧无知为耻。 - This family practises frugality and avoids worldly exhibit.
这一家崇尚节俭,不喜浮华。 - We advocate commercial reputation and morality as to fulfill the desire for unashamed pleasure.
本店崇尚商誉商德,以期得到问心无愧的满足。 - The healing art belongs to the realm of the practical, which in the United States is a great recommendation
医疗属于实用的领域,而美国人是极崇尚实际的。 - No comity by which a democratic society must live had broken down.
一个民主社会所赖以生存的崇尚礼让的风气败坏了。 - elegance was scandinavian and Caledonian
姿态的俊美崇尚的是斯堪的纳维亚式和苏格兰式。 - A member of the Anglican Church whose religious convictions emphasize sacramental worship.
圣公会高教信徒圣公会信徒,其教义强调崇尚圣礼 - "When they can no longer enjoy the warmth of kinship, would they still advocate personal freedom?"
v. 鼓励;赞成,支持;维持;举起;支撑
- advocate/uphold thriftiness
提倡节约 - The appeal court uphold the sentence.
上诉法庭维持了判决。 - Uphold a verdict,policy,principle
支持某项裁决、政策、原则. - To uphold justice and righteousness even at the sacrifice of blood relations
大义灭亲 - China will get nowhere if it does not build and uphold socialism.
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