仇恨的英文:hatredenmityhostility参考例句:Hatred is blind as well as love.爱情与仇恨同样是盲目的。wordless animosity;wordless joy.无法言表的仇恨;无法表达的快乐They pleaded guilty to possessing material likely to incite racial hatred.他们表...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
抽象画的英文:abstract painting参考例句:It 's impossible to be impressed by abstract painting when the artist cannot even draw well.没有素描能力的画家所画的抽象画无法给人深刻印象abstract是什么意思:adj. 抽象的;纯理论的;深奥的n. 摘要,梗....
仇人的英文:enemy参考例句:To poison an enemy蛊毒仇人Wreak vengeance on one's enemy向仇人报仇He was framed by his enemies.他被仇人陷害。To slay his opponent戕其仇人Jack imprecated evil upon his enemies.杰克祈求降祸于仇人。Dawson takes reven...
抽象派的的英文:abstract参考例句:abstractionism;Abstractionist school抽象派There are two abstracts on the wall.墙上挂着两幅抽象派画作。I found it hard to appreciate abstract paintings.我发现很难欣赏抽象派的绘画。He is famous for his abstra...
仇杀的英文:vendettavendetta是什么意思:n. 仇杀,族间仇杀A personal vendetta between two experts, known as the "starch wars," exacerbated the controversy which dragged on for a full year.两位专家之间的个人恩怨,称为“淀粉之战”,加剧了这场争...
抽象群的英文:abstract groupabstract是什么意思:adj. 抽象的;纯理论的;深奥的n. 摘要,梗概;抽象概念v. 提取,抽取;做…的摘要Please abstract the story of the book.请写一下这本书的故事梗慨。It's pure abstract reasoning.这完全是理论推理。Ther...
仇视的英文:look at sb with hate参考例句:He looked upon the gangster with hatred.他以仇视的目光面对着歹徒。Hostility or indifference to religion.对宗教的仇视或冷漠He was not as hostile to insects as a gardener could have wished to see him....
抽烟的英文:smoke参考例句:Not to smoke is advisable .不抽烟可取。Smoking that will shorten her life抽烟会缩短她的生命My parents forbid me from having wine and cigarettes.我父母不许我抽烟喝酒。Her Boyfriend refrained from smoking in her hou...
惆怅的英文:disconsolate; melancholy参考例句:An indefinable sadness had come over Huei-fang these last few days四小姐这无名的惆怅也是最近三四天内才有的。Red ached dully as he realized the impossibility of ever seeing that man's face雷德心....
抽样的英文:samplesampling参考例句:"The sampling of PCM is to make samples of voice with the frequency of 8,000 times per second."PCM的抽样就是用每秒8,000次的频率的声音进行取样。Before sampling, the import entity shall provide the factory...