研读的英文:crack a book; read up参考例句:To absorB in study专心研读"After seven hours of studying, I am weary of it.""经过七个小时的研读,我感到厌倦。"You have to study the nuts and bolts of English grammar.你必须研读英文语法的基本细节。I'...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
沿海的英文:coastal参考例句:They were wrecked off the coast of Africa.他们在非洲沿海遇难了。A littoral property;the littoral biogeographic zone.海岸所有权;沿海生物地理区Within a Customs surveillance zone and the specified coastal or Border...
研发的英文:research and development参考例句:"One of China's largest bases/facilities for production, research and development"中国最大的生产与研发基地之一They are quite impressive at research and development.他们的研发很令人钦佩。The comp...
研发部的英文:research and development department; RD department参考例句:Trotman's most controversial move is integrating Ford's car-development groups across boundaries.特洛特曼采取的最有争议的第一步行动,是他将把福特遍布全球的各个区域汽....
抽一两口的英文:take a whiff or two(香烟)take是什么意思:v. 拿,取;带;获得;采取;承担;吃;耗费;乘,搭;以为;理解;走;抓住a catch; a take; a taking捕获量 take a nap; take a snooze小睡一下;睡午觉 take service with在¥帮佣 whiff是什么...
研究的英文:research参考例句:We need to traverse the last century thoroughly.我们需要详细研究上一个世纪。intellectual interests, pursuits, etc需用脑力的爱好、 研究等. Studied the ruins of ancient Greece.研究古希腊遗迹Biology is the study o...
抽油烟机的英文:ventilator参考例句:I think I need to buy a range hood.我认为我需要买一条抽油烟机。ventilator是什么意思:n. 通风机,送风机,换气扇This is a room with good ventilation.这是个通风良好的房间。There is not the slightest form of ve...
抽象的英文:abstract参考例句:Is this inference too presumptuous?这种推论是否太抽象了?rejective art=minimal art)最简式抽象艺术No one could doubt his ability to learn abstract knowledge.没有人怀疑他对于抽象知识的理解能力。The more absolutis...
仇敌的英文:enemyfoePhilistine参考例句:The two men are deadly enemies.他俩是不共戴天的仇敌。He swore to revenge himself [to be revenged] on his enemy.他发誓要向仇敌复仇。A narrow-minded soul would view any difference as opposition and dive...
抽象簇的英文:abstract varietyabstract是什么意思:adj. 抽象的;纯理论的;深奥的n. 摘要,梗概;抽象概念v. 提取,抽取;做…的摘要Please abstract the story of the book.请写一下这本书的故事梗慨。It's pure abstract reasoning.这完全是理论推理。Th...