出海口的英文:sea gate参考例句:The Pudong New Area lies at the mid-point of China's coastline where the Changjiang River empties into the sea上海浦东新区地处中国海岸线中点和长江出海口的交汇处sea是什么意思:n. 海,海洋;大量,茫茫一片Beyond...
少儿英语 短信预约提醒
出港船只的英文:outgoing vesseloutgoing是什么意思:adj. 即将离职的;外向的,友好的,喜欢交际的;出发的,往外去的v. outgo的ing形式;超过She is such a gregarious and outgoing person.她很外向,喜欢交朋结友。He was bluff, strong, friendly, and ...
出行的英文:trip参考例句:Travel guide出行指南It is ideal for daily use at home or while traveling.居家出行理想用品My heart has been heavy all day long because you have so far to go.永日方戚戚,出行复悠悠。How many errands did you do in the ...
出击的英文:sallysally forthsortie参考例句:During the attack many of our pilots noted the brave efforts of American fliers to get planes off the ground我们出击期间,许多飞行员见到美国飞行员冒死驾机升空。sally | to sally出击 sally out again...
出口部的英文:Export Department参考例句:I'll connect you with the Export Department.我给你接出口部。Could you give me the Export Department, please?请替我接出口部。He was appointed to the position of Export Manager for the firm.他被任命为....
出嫁的英文:get married参考例句:One of their daughters married a lot of money.他们的一个女儿出嫁后得到一大笔财产。I never thought that my kid sister would get married. Congratulations!我从来没想过,我的小妹会出嫁。恭喜你!get是什么意思:v. ....
出口成章的英文:[Literal Meaning] out/mouth/become/essayto speak so eloquently that one's words could form a good essay[解释] 说出话来就成文章,形容文思敏捷,口才好。[Explanation] Words flow from the mouth as from the pen of a master; to ha...
出界的英文:out of play参考例句:A linesman signaled"off-side", but the referee overruled him and ordered"play on".一个巡边员做手势表示〞出界〞,但裁判员否决了他的裁定并命令〞继续进行比赛〞。The ball crossed line.球出界。The umpire gave him ...
出口处的英文:excystment aperture参考例句:The hollow funnel in the outlet of the kidney,into which urine is discharged before entering the ureter.肾盂肾脏出口处一个尿液经其排出而进入输尿管的中空漏斗形内脏结构。Have a collaborator stand at ...
出境的英文:leave the country参考例句:Are there accordion gates?有出境大门吗?All departing passengers are requested to proceed to the customs and immigration now.所有出境旅客现在请通过海关及证照查验关。The departure quarantine shall be rea...