发布时间:2019-02-22 11:27 来源:环球网校
点击量: 1228
少儿英语报名、考试、查分时间 免费短信提醒
- He practiced Guanxi, a Chinese term that conveys trust and mutuality.
他运用“关系”,一个传达信任和互利的中文名词。 - transmissible messages;transmissible signals.
可传送的信息;可传达的信号 - To impart or convey to others by heredity or inheritance; hand down.
遗传通过遗留或继承的方式给予或传达给另一个人;传下去。 - The quartermaster rang up the order on the engine room telegraph.
航信士官通过机舱令钟传达了命令。 - It has built up a bridge to promote the cooperation among IT suppliers from both China and overseas.
它在国内外IT供应商和渠道之间传达商机、推进合作 - The quartermaster rang up the order on the engine room telegraph
航信士官通过机舱令钟传达了命令。 - But whatever its quality, the story-teller is the passer-on, the interpreter, the transmitter.
不过无论这个故事是好是坏,讲故事的人扮演的是传授者、译者以及传达者。 - a court usher, reporter
法院传达员、 书记员 - I understand they were never disseminated throughout the Party.
听说没有传达。 - Ideas are communicable by words.
v. 传递;传达;运输;让与
- To convey(passengers) or travel by trolley.
载运用有轨电车运送(乘客);乘电车 - Passengers are conveyed by bus to the air terminal.
用公共汽车载送旅客前往航空站。 - The length of a paragraph depends on the information it conveys.
段落的长短取决于它所传达的信息量。 - He conveyed the land to his son.
他把这块地让与儿子。 - A vehicle for conveying a coffin to a church or cemetery
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