呈现的英文:appearemergepresent (a certain appearance)demonstrate参考例句:The stones began to grow soft and to assume shape. 这些石头开始变软,呈现形状。siberian villages present a cheerful image in defia...阅读全文
呈递的英文:to presentto submit参考例句:Present a memorial to the king向国王呈递请愿书I'll present a memorial to the king.我将向国王呈递请愿书。By furnishing this form the Company makes no admission of liabili...阅读全文
遥测的英文:telemetry参考例句:Airborne telemetering receiving station机载遥测接收台A spectrum is then obtained and telemetered to the ground然后记录它的光谱,并将数据通过遥测系统发回地面。Ocean acoustic waveguide remote s...阅读全文
城市病的英文:city diseaseurban disease城市病是指人口过于向大城市集中而引起的一系列社会问题,表现在城市规划和建设盲目向周边摊大饼式的扩延,大量耕地被占,使人地矛盾更尖锐。发展中国家的城市化问题也称为城市病。city是什么意思:n. 都市,城市;特许市;全市居民;伦敦商业区;充满...的地方the city of York约克特许市....阅读全文
赤霉病的英文:gibberellic diseasedisease是什么意思:n. 疾病,不健全,病害,弊病,烦恼v. 使有病,使不健全Surgical disease, or the surgical response to disease is of similar antiquity.外科疾病或对疾病的外科处理的历史同样久远。 Some disease...阅读全文
眼下的英文:nowat present参考例句:I'm off coffee at the moment.我眼下不再嗜咖啡了。Accountants and financial managers are now among the most sought-after会计和金融管理人员眼下最抢手。The most popular goods on the ma...阅读全文
眼前的英文:nowpresentat handin nowfor the presentat the momentat presentright now参考例句:A boundless prairie is before us.眼前是一望无垠的草原。He was so famished that golden sparks danced before his...阅读全文
出差预借款的英文:travel advancetravel是什么意思:n. 旅行,旅程v. 旅行,游遍;传导;移动,(眼睛)扫视;行走,行驶A cosmopolitan traveler.四海为家的旅行者 They are travelling entertainers.他们是巡回演出的艺人。He travels the fastest who travel...阅读全文
出境游的英文:outbound tourism; outbound traveloutbound是什么意思:adj. 开往外国的;出站的,离港的;向外去的The adapter supports outbound mode only for this interface. 对于此接口,适配器仅支持出站模式。When dealing with links, ...阅读全文